What is Privacy in information security?

Privacy can be represented as an individual or a group's ability to cloister the information about them and then disclose it selectively. It defines that privacy is used to sensitive or crucial information. The privacy domain overlaps moderately with security that can insert the concepts of proper use and protection of information.

The concept of global specific privacy is a current concept mainly related to Western culture (North American and British in specific) and remained unknown virtually inside a few cultures. Some cultures recognize the ability of persons to withhold some element of personal information through broader society.

In the organizational world, an individual can volunteer private details to receive some sorts of profit. Public figures can be context to regulations and rules on its interest. Secret data of a person that is shared voluntarily and misused can generate identity theft.

Privacy is concerned with providing that the sensitive information an organization processes, stores, or transmits is ingested compliantly and with consent from the owner of that sensitive information. This defines informing single upfront of which types of information will be collected, for what goals, and with whom it will be shared. Because this transparency is supported, an individual then should agree to the terms of use, enabling the organization ingesting data to use it in line with its stated goals.

Therefore, privacy is less about securing data from malicious threats than it is using it responsibly, and in accordance with the requirement of users to avoid it from falling into the wrong hands. But that doesn’t mean it can’t contain security-type measures to provide privacy is protected.

For instance, efforts to avoid the connecting of sensitive information to its data subject or natural person including de-identifying personal data, obfuscating it, or storing it in multiple places to decrease the likelihood of re-identification are some common privacy provisions.

Privacy can be defined as exercising power over what access others have to private extent of us, such as information privacy. The IPPs intend to protect data privacy, not privacy in common. Privacy defense is about integrating two complex interests.

The right to privacy is that is valued by all and the Act preserve this right in law. Staff required to maximise the level of control that individuals have over their personal data, but the operation of government needed that some personal data be collected, managed and stored.

The IPPs are not designed to avoid the legitimate use of personal information to provide government services. It does not define that staff can no longer gather, handle or amass personal data. Though, it does require that staff gaze at how and why the personal data is composed, managed and accumulated.

Updated on: 08-Mar-2022

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