What Is Page Speed In SEO?

Finally, after many months of hard work, you have a fully functional website! You can't wait to watch potential consumers respond to the clean, uncluttered layout and snappy copy. You briefly test the site before releasing it to the public and discover that page load times are slower than expected.

You should feel satisfied knowing that your efforts were not in vain. There seems to be a problem with the site's speed or the page's loading time. These measures are crucial to your site's success, so you must take action ASAP. Users who wait too long will likely give up and go elsewhere, hurting your search engine rankings. In this article, we will discuss the significance of fast page loading times and advise how to achieve that goal.

How do you Define Page Speed?

The term "page speed" describes how quickly your site's information displays. It makes sense that your page will load if your content loads quickly. While no statistic can determine how quickly your web page opens, it is helpful to remember that page speed is somewhat of an umbrella notion.

Page speed in website performance is not like the speed of an automobile. One hundred kilometers per hour is one definition of a car's speed. There's more going on than saying something like "this page loads in 4 seconds" when discussing page speed. Consider page load time instead as an element of the overall experience you want to provide site visitors.

However, there are several key differences to remember while discussing this measure. Despite its apparent simplicity, page speed may be quantified in several ways. We'll go through three of the most frequent ones here −

Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures how long it takes for a website to start loading.

Do you know the feeling of impatience when you click on a link and a blank white screen comes up instead? Application of TTFB.

  • Web Site in Its Whole Form −

Using this metric, we look at how long the whole target page takes to load. This is the most straightforward method of gauging page load time.

  • The Original Contextual Painter −

The time required for a website to load enough text and images for human consumption.

This measure is crucial since it enables users to learn more about the behavior and preferences of website visitors. For instance, page speed insights can indicate that a blog article takes 15 seconds to load. Even if it's a significant amount of time, the data this statistic provides for page load time is insufficient.

In only two seconds after landing on the website, users may see the first relevant paint and begin engaging with the content.

What Factors into Website Load Time?

When you choose a result from a search, the linked website should load promptly. But that's just wishful thinking. The proliferation of JavaScript has resulted in much larger sites, more complicated and slower to load than they already were. Even with superfast connections and powerful gadgets, waiting for a web page to load may be annoying.

Consider your typical online browsing experience. To what extent do you wait for a web page to load before clicking around? Alternatively, do you immediately begin scrolling and checking things out when you first see stuff surface? Does the website's content (words, graphics, videos, buttons) disappear as you scroll down the page if you begin interacting with it before you reach the bottom?

Now there's even more query for you to answer. Consider that we have two pages at our disposal. You'll see the initial material on the homepage fairly quickly, but it'll be a while before you can interact with the site. The second page loads a little more slowly, but everything on it, including photos and links, functions as intended. Which one do you think has faster page turn times?

Clearly, "page speed" refers not only to how rapidly a website can load but also to how soon it can give a positive user experience. Even if the website’s core content is fast to load, but additional parts take longer to display, you’ll still feel like the page is sluggish since you have to wait before you can interact with it.

The Page Load Time is one of the Metrics Core Web Vitals Measures

The loading time, interactivity, and aesthetic stability of a website are all examined by Core Web Vitals. As a result of those first considerations, Google settled on the following measures −

  • Loading

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):This statistic tracks the time to display the most important material.

  • Initial Input Delay (FID) in Interaction: This statistic measures how quickly a webpage reacts to the initial user input.

Cumulative Layout Change (CLS) for Visual Stability

This statistic evaluates the steadiness of your page's visuals. Can you see whether elements on the screen shift around during loading?

Google also established the benchmarks for each indicator, classifying them as excellent, needing improvement, or bad based on how well or poorly they meet those standards. A First Input Delay (FID) of less than 300 ms is considered a bad page, while an FID of more than 100ms is considered good.

To pass Core Web Vitals, you must achieve or exceed the desired performance in the "good" categories for 75% of your visitors during 28 days. It implies you must hit your performance goals for at least 75% of your visitors.

Knowledge and understanding of these indicators are crucial to increase your page speed. Increasing your website load time may also help your Google page rank.

Why do Certain Web Pages Load so Slowly?

There are several causes of slow web pages. The following are examples of frequent causes −

  • The scale of a Page −

It's a direct correlation between page size and load time. Pages that are smaller to load take less time to do so. Page sizes on most websites have been growing steadily over the previous several years, as measured by these trends.

From roughly 702kb in 2010, the typical web page is already over 3,422kb in 2017. This implies that when your website grows, you should always look for methods to boost its load time.

  • Sheet thickness and page weight −

The font and weight of a page significantly affect its load time. Even though Google determined that 70% of sites they evaluated were over 1MB, 36% were over 2MB, and 12% were over 4MB, they still recommend keeping page weight below 500KB.

  • Your hosts −

The host is also a factor in how quickly your pages load. The real challenge is locating a reliable web host that can guarantee your site's uptime, speed, and data transfer.

  • Widgets −

Some of the widgets you add to your site to improve it might end up slowing it down. Limiting the abundance of widgets on your site will improve its performance.


Put your page through its paces now that you know how page speed and site speed might affect your site's rating. After looking at the averages, it's clear that there's room for improvement on your site. It's crucial to gather reliable page speed insights before making any quick fixes that might improve your site's load time. Doing a page speed test is the most accurate method for determining this.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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