What is Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)?

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing software security. OWASP is based on an 'open community' approach, allowing anybody to engage in and contribute to projects, events, online conversations, and other activities.

OWASP's guiding concept is that all resources and information on their website are free and freely accessible to anybody. OWASP offers a variety of tools, videos, forums, initiatives, and events, among other things. In a nutshell, OWASP is a one-stop-shop for everything web application security, supported by the collective wisdom and expertise of its open community contributors. It is best known for its project OWASP Top 10.

The OWASP Top 10

The OWASP Top 10 is a frequently updated report outlining web application security vulnerabilities, concentrating on the ten most important threats. A group of security specialists from around the world compiled the study. OWASP refers to the Top 10 as an 'awareness document,' It is recommended that all businesses implement the report into their procedures to avoid and/or mitigate security risks.

OWASP Top 10 is a research effort that ranks the top 10 most dangerous web application security threats and provides repair suggestions. The study is based on a consensus reached by security experts worldwide. The risks are categorized based on the severity of the flaws, the frequency of isolated security flaws, and the magnitude of their potential consequences.

The goal of the research is to give web application security professionals and developers a better knowledge of the most frequent security issues so they can incorporate the results into theirsecurity procedures. This can assist in limiting the presence of recognized dangers in their online apps.

It was last updated in 2017 and outlined the top 10 Internet Security Issues.

  • SQL Injection − Untrusted data is parsed and injected into a query, such as SQL, OS, NoSQL, or LDAP, leading to the execution of unwanted instructions or unauthorizedm access to information.

  • Broken Authentication − When user authentication and administration are handled poorly, attackers can get access to keys, passwords, session tokens or abuse the system to assume the identities of other users.

  • Sensitive Data exposure − Web APIs that do not secure user sensitive data risk exposing financial, healthcare, PII, or other sensitive data. Because data breaches may lead to identity theft, credit card fraud, and other crimes, this information deserves extra caution.

  • External Entities in XML (XXE) − Attackers can exploit web applications that employ insecure components processing XML. Attackers can upload XML or insert hostile instructions or material in an XML document.

  • Inadequate Access Control − When an attacker is able to get access to user accounts, this is known as broken access control. The attacker can access the system as either a user or an administrator.

  • Misconfiguration of Security − Security misconfigurations occurs when a configuration error or lack leads to design or configuration flaws. A default account and its original password, for example, are still enabled, leaving the system exposed to attack.

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) − When untrusted data on a new web page is not properly verified or escaped, attackers can use XSS to hijack a user's session, perform undesired site activities, or redirect to malicious sites by executing scripts in the user's browser.

  • Insecure Deserialization − Remote code execution, replay attacks, privilege escalation attacks, and injection attacks can all be caused by flaws in API deserialization.

  • Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities − Because application components have the same degree of access as the program itself, if a component's vulnerability is exploited, the application's defenses against assaults may be compromised.

  • Logging and Monitoring are Insufficient − Logging and monitoring are two tasks that should be done on a website regularly to ensure that it is secure. If a site is not properly logged and monitored, it becomes exposed to more serious compromising behaviors.

OWASP Projects

All OWASP projects, tools, publications, chapters, and forums are open-source and communitydriven, allowing users to test theories or ideas while obtaining expert guidance and assistance from the OWASP community. They firmly support commercial security technology, aid enterprises in designing and implementing security plans, and encourage a proactive security strategy despite being community-driven and focused. Because of this community perspective, the security direction may consider all stakeholders. It aids organizations in being competitive and credible, provides developers with more trust in their work, and protects end users' data by giving techniques for handling their personal information.


One of OWASP's main missions is to educate web developers, architects, managers, designers, and organizations about the necessity of web security and the implications of failing to do so. The OWASP wiki is supported by over two decades of research and is sponsored by the world's foremost security professionals. OWASP ethical hackers have gathered vulnerabilities from hundreds of organizations and thousands of apps in order to share threat, vulnerability, and countermeasure information.

OWASP provides various sample apps that are purposefully flaw-ridden in order to teach developers how to avoid the mistakes of others. OWASP will assist your organization with risk mitigation, threat modeling, and architectural threat analysis and is thus a valuable resource to network and create relationships with.

Adopting Various OWASP Guidelines

Adopting OWASP compliance as part of your software development process and risk management policies will boost your company's reputation. OWASP establishes an industry standard for code review guidelines and frameworks that give developers documentation for penetration testing best practices. It also facilitates the work of developers to create their own penetration testing guidelines and assess risk in their own settings.

By adhering to these OWASP principles and encouraging developers to be more security conscious, your company will be able to manage vulnerabilities better and enhance the overall quality of your apps.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2022


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