What is Non-profit Marketing?

What is Non-profit Marketing?

A non−profit organization's promotional operations are referred to as non-profit marketing. Fundraising and message-focused campaigns are two broad marketing strategies that NGOs utilize. In order to assist the group and its objective, supporters are urged to give money through a fundraising drive. A campaign with a clear message often seeks to increase public knowledge of the non-profit’s goals, such as the issue it hopes to address. Additionally, it might inspire viewers to support its causes by giving money, donating their time, or altering their behaviour. These two campaign kinds can also be used in tandem with one another.

Donations are necessary for non-profit organizations to function and offer services that further their goal because they do not report a profit.

For instance, a disaster relief group solicits donations and uses them to help those affected by natural catastrophes by giving them food, housing, and counselling. These groups can increase local or national exposure via marketing strategies. By spreading that knowledge, they may be able to attract additional supporters and funding for their missions and charity endeavours.

Examples of Successful Video Marketing

The following organisations stand out as the best examples of evangelism marketing 

Example 1

The Seva Foundation: She Can See Her Future, demonstrates in less than 30 seconds the impact that sight, which so many of us take for granted, can have both directly on an individual's life and indirectly on others around them. This film demonstrates the immediate impact doing Seva has−not just on the person receiving the support, but also on the world at large. It demonstrates cause and consequence for us. The audio tells a potent tale while enhancing the animation.

Example 2

In this heart-warming and humorous film, Charity Water staff employees dress up and greet contributors as part of their aim to give safe drinking water to everyone in the globe. The humorous film highlights the accomplishments of the organization with the help of its contributors.

Example 3

A non-profit organization called Doctors Without Borders was founded with the goal of giving those in serious medical need of life-saving care. It is not going to be simple, therefore they are aggressively looking for contributors. The Thank You video above seeks to highlight the brave individuals that support the team by going to other nations to deliver healthcare in occasionally life−or−death circumstances. A thank you promotional video may go a long way toward showing existing supporters how much you appreciate them as well as pique fresh interest.

Types of Non-profit Marketing

There are several ways to promote to non-profits. Although the objectives of these campaign types−to generate funds, awareness, and volunteerism−might be identical, their strategies might differ greatly. The sorts of non-profit marketing efforts are listed below.

  • Point-of-Sale Campaign

    Adding the contribution request to a purchase the potential donor is currently making is the foundation of a point-of-sale campaign. For instance, during the checkout process online or at a cash register in a physical business, donors could be prompted to make a gift to their purchase.

  • Message-Focused Campaign

    A message-focused strategy promotes customer action, behavioural change, or increased awareness. These initiatives usually relate to prominent current affairs that are already trending and receiving extensive media coverage. The messages often go hand in hand with volunteerism and fundraising initiatives.

  • Transactional Campaign

    In transactional campaigns, a corporate gift motivates a consumer action (such a purchase or a reaction to a social media post). In order to motivate customers to contribute to the charity's humanitarian endeavours through their purchases, the non-profit organization collaborates with a corporate contributor. The corporate contributor gains from the favourable publicity as well as the opportunity to support a cause that aligns with its own business principles.

How to create a video marketing strategy for non-profits?

  • Educate your audience on the importance of your cause

    When educating your audience on the goals of your company, use video to capture their attention academically and emotionally.

    This clarifies for your audience what to anticipate from your non-profit organisation and what the purpose of your organisation is.

    This kind of film not only informs your audience about your goal statement, but it also makes your business stand out from the competition.

    The easiest method to create this kind of film is to narrate the history of your company. Every company has a unique history that it can share.

    Describe the mission of your organisation and the ways in which it has impacted the community.

    Other approaches to convey to your audience the significance of your cause include 

    • Highlighting the issues that your business is actively resolving 

    • Outlining the key aspects of your organisation.

  • Share inspiring stories

    Creating empathy for your cause is the aim of sharing motivational tales.

    Videos that foster empathy may help your organisation connect with its supporters (which can boost donor engagement) and even visitors who just happen to stumble across your film.

    Your company develops credibility and trust via this connection with your audience.

    Sharing testimonial films with actual individuals who have benefited from your business is among the finest methods to do this.

    Your audience will be able to learn more about the precise effects your organisation is having on people's lives thanks to these personal accounts.

    Inspiring tales can also be shared through 

    • Community member interviews

    • Image slideshows showing recent community impact.

  • Showcase your staff

    Every great firm has wonderful part-time and full-time employees who perform fantastic job.

    Therefore, make videos that highlight your employees!

    Your company promotes distinctiveness and credibility by exhibiting your team.

    Your company changes from being a nameless, vague corporation to being a genuine, humane organisation.

    These are some methods for producing this kind of video 

    • Meet the team interviews

    • A look at your personnel at work that matters.

  • Have a clear call-to-action

    Without a call-to-action (CTA), even the most incredible video with thousands of views won't accomplish its goal.

    Remember that videos must accomplish more than just provide amusing material for your company's website.

    Your films must motivate your viewers to act in order to increase involvement with the cause that your organisation is working to advance.

    Your films should encourage your audience to support the mission of your non-profit, whether it be through a donation to your organisation or membership

    The call-to-action is typically presented near the conclusion of a video since, if someone watched it all the way through, they clearly have interest in your business. This is the ideal time to encourage your audience to act.


However, making films is expensive! How on earth can a non-profit with a tight budget afford to achieve this?  To be honest, that's a misunderstanding that exists here!

It's not necessary to spend a lot of money on video marketing. All one needs is a smartphone to start filming. One may quickly produce videos using a variety of internet video programmes as well. For instance, you may generate stunning films quickly and easily with video editing software like Promo, Biteable, Animaker, or Animoto.

To sum-up:

  • The practises and methods non-profit organisations employ to solicit funds and disseminate their message are referred to as non-profit marketing.

  • A variety of activities are included in non-profit marketing, including social media marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, and direct mail marketing.

  • A point-of-sale campaign depends on requesting a gift while the prospective contributor is making a transaction.

  • The organisation links its fundraising initiatives to a prominent topical issue that has already attracted the public's attention in a message-focused campaign.

  • In a transactional campaign, a non-profit organisation collaborates with a business sponsor to get customers to support the non-profit’s purpose by making purchases.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2022


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