What Is Marijuana (Cannabis) and What Can It Do For Your

Health and Wellness?

Cannabis plant leaves and flowers are used to make the drug known as marijuana. These plant pieces are dried before being consumed in different ways or smoked as cigarettes.

The purpose of marijuana use is to relax the user or change their state of awareness. A high is what is experienced after using marijuana, and it can be obtained in a variety of ways, such as smoking, vaping, or ingesting it cooked into food.

Marijuana is also used for medicinal purposes because it may help alleviate illnesses like chronic pain and many more.

Other names for this plant include pot, weed, grass, and ganja.

The narcotic made from the cannabis plant is known as marijuana. Cannabis is the plant's botanical name. Marijuana is smoked, whereas cannabis is farmed.

Although many contend that highs from Cannabis are no more powerful or harmful than those caused by alcohol and that they do not lead to addiction in the same way that heroin or cocaine does. It is still prohibited in many nations while being legalized in many countries for medical purposes.

What are the Various Types of Marijuana Plants?

  • Sativa − These plants have long, narrow leaves and are tall. They are often grown outside. Many think that sativa has a powerful stimulant effect since this strain has a higher THC content.

  • Indica − These small plants are often grown inside and have broader leaves. When used medicinally, indica plants, which contain more cannabidiol, are considered sedatives and have a better relaxing effect. Sometimes those who use this kind of weed do so at night.

  • Hybrid − Sativa and Indica plants are combined to create a hybrid, which combines the traits of the two.

  • Hemp − The fiber from this kind of cannabis plant is used to create fabrics and rope. Like flax or chia seeds, hemp seeds include protein and other healthy minerals.

  • However, because it includes more CBD than THC, this variety of cannabis won't make you feel as high as sativa, indica, or hybrid strains.

What Ailments can be Healed by Using Marijuana?

Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for 5,000 years.

The use of cannabis to treat different medical problems has become more acceptable in several nations during the past few decades.

Effect on the Circulatory System

THC circulates throughout your body after leaving your lungs and entering your bloodstream. Your heart rate could rise by 20 to 50 beats per minute in a few minutes.

Your heart must work harder to supply more oxygen as a result. It could increase your chance of a heart attack if you already have heart problems.

Bloodshot eyes are one of the telltale signs of recent cannabis use. Cannabis makes blood vessels enlarge and fill with more blood, giving the eyes a reddish appearance.

Moreover, Marijuana can lower eye pressure, which will help lessen glaucoma symptoms. More studies are needed to determine whether THC can help glaucoma in the long run.

Effect on the Central Nervous System

Cannabis affects the full central nervous system (CNS). Cannabis is thought to help with seizure and spasm control, as well as reducing pain and inflammation. Nonetheless, there may be detrimental long-term effects on the CNS to take into account.

THC causes the brain to release a lot of dopamine, a substance that makes you feel happy naturally. You feel great because of that. Your perception of time and sensory awareness may both be improved.

Another possible explanation for the up to 30% of cannabis users who develop cannabis use disorder is the dopamine cycle. Although it may be rare, severe cannabis use disorders or addiction can happen.

Is Cannabis Effective in the Treatment of Cancer?

Some tiny studies indicate that pot may help reduce nerve and other pain brought on by the illness and its therapies, as well as nausea and vomiting brought on by chemotherapy.

Additionally, a study revealed that up to 25% of cancer patients admitted to using cannabis to reduce the physical and emotional side effects of their illness and treatment. Patients claim it can reduce the severity of numerous chemotherapy sides effects, such as nausea, discomfort, and appetite loss.

Chronic Pain

The use of medical pot to relieve chronic pain was one area that marijuana research focused on.

Chronic pain can be effectively managed by using cannabis, products containing cannabinoids, which are the plant's active chemicals, or other substances that work on the same brain receptors as cannabinoids.

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

Those who struggle with alcohol or drug addiction may get relief from their addictions by consuming them.

Studies reveal that cannabis use increases the chance of misusing and becoming dependent on other substances, therefore this finding may be controversial.

Also, the likelihood that someone will acquire a cannabis use disorder increases the more weed that person uses. Those who began using cannabis as children are more prone to acquire cannabis use disorders.

What are the Risks Associated with Consuming Weed?

Despite the number of benefits one can derive from it, there are risks associated with it as well. They are −

  • Regular cannabis use is likely to exacerbate bipolar disorder symptoms in people who already have them.

  • It is "uncertain" if smoking pot regularly affects lung function or raises the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Frequently using cannabis can increase risk of coughing persistently.

  • It might lead to developing testicular cancers.

  • Similar to the depressive effects of alcohol consumption, marijuana usage may have these effects as well. Even while you may be at ease and ease, you can also be having trouble focusing and moving around. As a side effect, some persons may experience depressive symptoms.


There are both positive and side effects of weed on health. It is supported by numerous studies globally. Current assessments of scientific studies analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the substance have emerged over the past couple of years. Additional study is required to properly understand the effects of increased cannabis usage on individuals for medicinal purposes.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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