What is Lifi?

Li-Fi represents light-fidelity. It is a networking technology that uses a clear spectrum instead of radio waves. The technology uses a standard LED light bulb to share information. The LED bulbs are appropriated with a chip that inflicts the light for optical data transmission which is accepted by photoreceptors.

A LiFi network uses the light from LED lamps to send information to a device, including a computer or tablet. The device has a receiver to select light signals and an address to send light signals back to the lamp using infrared light.

The light from the LED lamps transforms intensity lots of times a second, quicker than the eye can view. This change in intensity becomes a digital signal which can move information from the web to a user and support again.

Li-Fi can be used in traffic control systems using a car’s headlights or in chemical production plants where radio frequency is more inconvenient. With Li-Fi, the spectrum can be used more than 1000 times higher than the whole spectrum used for radio frequencies.

The benefit of using the visible light spectrum (VLS) is that the spectrum is underused for wireless connection and provides several times the bandwidth accessible through the radio frequency spectrum.

The visible light spectrum ranges from 428 THz to 750 THz. It provides a capacity that is 10,000 times higher than the whole radio frequency spectrum and can decrease several pressures leading towards the Spectrum Crunch, especially with the increased user demand for high-frequency bandwidth.

Li-Fi-light fidelity is equivalent to Wi-Fi technology and it is the future wireless communication technologies. The characteristics of this technology contains fully networked, bidirectional and high-speed wireless.

Advantages of Lifi

The advantages of lifi are as follows −

  • Speed − Light spectrum is virtually 10,000 times higher than the spectrum engaged by radio waves through taking more data 100 times higher than Wi-Fi. It can send data for 224 GB per second.

  • Efficient and Cheaper − Li-Fi is more efficient and cheaper than Wi-Fi because of the characteristics of LED bulbs. It will store costs in homes and companies as it can work without computer devices including routers, modems, etc.

  • Security − Radio waves can be interrupted by people outside your network as they can move through walls, negotiating the security of your information. However, light can be stopped by opaque objects, creating more Li-Fi than Wi-Fi. Furthermore, several rooms can be labelled as high-security areas with their Li-Fi networks.

  • Availability − With Li-Fi, each light source can support us with the internet. Because the technology is available to the general public, it can be accessed through street lights, building lights, etc.

Updated on: 22-Nov-2021

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