What is Jenkins?


In the modern software development lifecycle, achieving streamlined, reliable, and faster delivery has become paramount. Jenkins, an open-source automation tool, has emerged as a leading solution to this need, revolutionizing the way developers think about continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). This article will introduce Jenkins, exploring its functionality, benefits, and practical uses

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server written in Java. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the technical aspects of continuous integration, but it can be used to automate various stages of the software development lifecycle, including building, testing, and deployment of applications.

One of the key benefits of Jenkins is its extensibility. With a rich ecosystem of over a thousand plugins, Jenkins can be extended to meet virtually any use case, making it a versatile tool in the realm of DevOps.

Key Features of Jenkins

Here are some of the salient features of Jenkins −

  • Easy Installation: Jenkins is a self-contained Java program that comes ready to run out-of-the-box. This includes Windows, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like operating systems.

  • Rich Plugin Ecosystem: Jenkins integrates with virtually every tool in the CI and CD toolchain, thanks to its vast library of plugins.

  • Easy Configuration: Jenkins can be easily set up and configured using its web interface, which includes on-the-fly error checks and built-in help.

  • Distributed Builds: Jenkins can distribute build tasks across multiple machines, helping to drive builds, tests, and deployments across multiple platforms faster

  • Extensible Architecture: Jenkins' extensibility means it can be extended to work with almost any technology

Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Continuous integration (CI) is a development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository frequently, ideally several times a day. Each integration can then be verified by an automated build and automated tests.

In a Jenkins CI setup, developers submit their changes to the version control repository, which in turn are noticed by the Jenkins server. Jenkins then pulls those changes, prepares a new build, tests the application, and provides feedback to the team. The whole process is automated, and it can even be set up to automatically deploy the application to production.

How to Use Jenkins?

Here is a simple outline of steps to set up Jenkins for continuous integration −

  • Install and Configure Jenkins − Jenkins: Download and install Jenkins from the official website. Once installed, access the Jenkins dashboard via the web browser.

  • Create a New Job − In Jenkins terminology, a job is a runnable task that is controlled/monitored by Jenkins. This could be building, testing, or deploying an application.

  • Configure Source Code Management (SCM) − Jenkins supports several SCM tools like Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. Specify the repository URL and credentials if needed

  • Set Up the Build Trigger − This could be periodically (e.g., every hour), or when a change is detected in the repository.

  • Configure the Build − This could involve compiling code, running tests, or building a Docker image

  • Configure Post-build Actions − These actions are carried out after the build has been completed. Examples could be sending an email notification or deploying the application

  • Save and Run − After all the configuration, save the job, and Jenkins is ready to build and test your application continuously.


Jenkins is a powerful tool that brings robust, flexible continuous integration and delivery within reach for projects of all sizes. Its ability to automate steps in the development lifecycle can lead to significant time savings, improved productivity, and faster delivery of high-quality software. With an understanding of what Jenkins is and how to utilize its capabilities, teams can streamline their development pipelines and achieve a more efficient and effective workflow.

Moreover, its vast ecosystem of plugins extends its capabilities, allowing integration with virtually all popular tools in the software development landscape. These features make Jenkins a must-have tool for organizations seeking to implement DevOps practices and enhance their software delivery processes.

Understanding Jenkins is invaluable for modern software professionals, from developers and QA testers to systems administrators and DevOps engineers. By automating repetitive tasks, enabling early bug detection, and facilitating rapid feedback, Jenkins makes it possible for teams to focus on what they do best: delivering great software.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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