What is JavaScript used for?

JavaScript, a text-based computer language used both on the client and server sides, has made making interactive web pages possible. JavaScript adds interactive aspects to online sites that keep users interested, whereas HTML and CSS are languages that provide web page structure and design. JavaScript is frequently used in everyday applications like the search bar on Amazon, the news summary video that is embedded in The New York Times, and refreshing your Twitter feed. By transforming a static web page into an interactive one, the incorporation of JavaScript enhances the user experience. In summary, JavaScript gives web page behavior.

Applications of JavaScript

Web browsers and web-based applications are the principal uses of JavaScript. JavaScript is utilized in software, servers, embedded hardware controls, and on the Web. Here are some straightforward applications using JavaScript −

Improving Interactive Features on Websites

Users can interact with web pages using JavaScript. The following are just a few uses for JavaScript on a web page; there are virtually no restrictions on what you can do with it −

  • With a touch of a button, you may reveal or conceal more information.

  • When the mouse is over a button, the color of the button changes.

  • On the site, scroll through a carousel of photographs.

  • Zooming in or out on a picture

  • A website's use of a timer or countdown

  • in-page audio and video playback

  • Animating and displaying

  • Utilizing a hamburger drop-down menu

Building Online and Mobile Applications

Different JavaScript frameworks are available for developers to employ when creating online and mobile applications. A basic framework for creating websites or online apps is a JavaScript framework, which is a set of JavaScript code libraries that give developers ready-made code to utilize for common programming features and tasks.

The well-known front-end JavaScript frameworks include React, React Native, Angular, and Vue. Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment based on the JavaScript V8 engine of Google Chrome, is widely used by businesses. Paypal, LinkedIn, Netflix, and Uber are a few well-known examples.

Creating Web Servers and Creating Server Software

Developers may use JavaScript to create basic web servers and Node.js to create the back-end infrastructure in addition to websites and apps.

Over the past ten years, as NodeJS expanded, JavaScript moved from the browser to the server. Since then, significant corporations, including Walmart, LinkedIn, and Uber, have used Node as a crucial component of their back-end architecture.

Of course, you may build considerably more durable servers using NodeJS or the common server application framework ExpressJS. The MEAN stack, which consists of Express and Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node, is used by many of the Node-based apps previously discussed.

Video Game Development

Of course, you can make browser games with JavaScript as well. These are excellent resources for novice developers to hone their JavaScript abilities.

Coding Quadcopters

Many quadcopters sold commercially are equipped with a basic operating system that enables the installation of NodeJS. This implies that anyone can use JavaScript to program a drone.


Particularly among developers, PowerPoint and Keynote aren't the most popular programs out there. The RevealJS package, which makes it simple to create presentations as webpages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, was likely created for that purpose. Slides.com uses RevealJS to create a web-based slide deck. Thus, even those unfamiliar with web programming can utilize it for presentations without realizing it.


The canvas element in the 2014 HTML5 standard, which enables the browser to generate three-dimensional forms, is one of the fascinating features. As a result, digital art projects now have a new medium in the browser.

Programming Puzzles

Each December, hundreds of developers register for Advent of Code, a 25-day series of programming challenges. Although developers can use any language to accomplish these daily challenges, JavaScript is a common option.

Adaptive Maps

Map creation is a great use for JavaScript. They may have information on areas overlaid, zoomed in and out, and panned. Even maps of places that don't exist in reality may be made using JavaScript.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a very new and interesting discipline, and its boundaries are still being discovered. Everyone uses it, including gamers, physicians, and interior designers. Working with VR is made powerful by JavaScript.


JavaScript and programming, in general, may be perceived as obscure and daunting. But, if you start in the proper place and grow your knowledge and abilities in tiny, logical stages, there's no reason you can't become a proficient JavaScript developer.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2022


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