What is IP Blacklisting? (Challenges, How to Stay off the Blacklist)

Ensure that none of the devices on your network are affected. Once you've established that your network is clean and that no illegal traffic is being sent out, find out where your IP address was blacklisted or blocked, then contact them to have it removed.

There will be multiple procedures to request an IP removal from each blacklist or blocklist. And just because you've asked for removal doesn't mean they'll follow through.

Challenges with IP Blacklisting

Even while blacklisting is an excellent approach to prohibit particular IP addresses from accessing your network, it isn't always successful. The reason for this is that attackers have devised a variety of methods to circumvent blacklisting. Here are a few examples −

Changing IP Addresses

To avoid being blacklisted, many attackers change their IP addresses on a regular basis. These attackers may have a variety of IP addresses available to them, allowing them to switch IP addresses if one is blacklisted. Changing IP addresses on a regular basis might make it challenging to track down attackers, reducing the danger of punishment.

A device's IP address, or Internet Protocol address, is a numerical label that identifies it on a local network or the internet. It has rules that regulate how data is delivered across a local network or over the web. An IP is a unique identifier that allows devices on a network to communicate with one another. It comprises data that enables the gadget to transmit data.

Your IP address may be on a blacklist for a variety of reasons, and you may easily verify your IP address. Your IP address may appear on only one blacklist, or it may appear on several blacklists. Each IP blacklist is kept independently and is not overseen by a single source. Each organization may have its own set of rules for listing and deleting IP addresses.

What is an IP address?

An IP address is a four-digit number such as

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is in charge of generating and allocating IP addresses. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is a non-profit corporation that oversees the IANA. Its fundamental goal is to make the internet accessible to everyone while also ensuring its security. When you want to register a domain name on the internet, you must go via a name registrar who will pay ICANN a fee for the registration.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is a non-profit corporation that oversees the IANA. Its fundamental goal is to make the internet accessible to everyone while also ensuring its security. When you want to register a domain name on the internet, you must go via a name registrar who will pay ICANN a fee for the registration.

How You Can Remove Your IP address from a Blacklist?

You can use the following ways to remove your IP address from a blacklist or blocklist −


It comprises millions of IoT or end-user devices that are used by many hackers. The attackers will get control of these devices when they have been hacked. On the dark web, attackers may also rent a botnet service.

Many assaults will be carried out utilizing a vast number of IP addresses, which will often change as devices leave and join the botnet due to the botnet's vast size and increased availability. IP blacklisting may be useless in preventing this attack.

IP Spoofing

Attackers can employ IP spoofing to make it look like they are connected through a different IP address in network layer assaults. The attackers will be able to avoid blacklisting while remaining anonymous.

Inaccurate IP Detection

When you have a lot of users utilizing the same IP address, you'll run into this problem. You won't be able to tell which end-user is presently using an IP address if IP addresses are dynamically issued.

How to Stay Off the Blacklist

Your IP address can be banned for a variety of reasons. An email infrastructure that isn't adequately protected might put you in danger of becoming infected with a virus. Here are things you can do to prevent getting put on a blacklist.

Use Secure Passwords

Spammers or attackers can quickly get access to a poor password-protected account. They employ dictionary assaults, which consist of a list of regularly used passwords.

Use a password that has both lowercase and uppercase characters, symbols, and numbers to avoid apparent passwords.

Don't Allow Relaying

Attackers frequently take advantage of open relays, so ensure your server isn't relaying messages. When mail is transmitted through your server but not to or from a local account, this is known as relaying.

Create an SPF Record

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a strategy for preventing spoofing. It analyses if the email received came from a legitimate domain.

Switch on SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a method of encrypting the communication between a server and a mail client.

Other security suggestions for your mail server include −

  • Use trusted hosts and dedicated IPs when enabling SMTP filtering.

  • Set up your firewall.

  • Outbound port 25 should be blocked on your network.

  • Use a static IP address.

  • Domain Keys Identified Mail is used to sign messages.

Updated on: 02-Jun-2022


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