What is Investment Management?

What is Investment Management?

Investment management is an activity, not a product. It includes the formation of an investment policy and strategy subsequently by ongoing monitoring to make sure that the goals arranged in it are being met. Many variables have to be examined when planning an investment policy for a pension fund.

Investment management is the executive asset management of various securities, including stockholders, bonds, and other assets, such as real estate, to meet identified investment targets for the sake of investors.

Investment management refers to the handling of capitals and other investments-not only buying and selling them. Management includes conceiving a short- or long-term strategy for obtaining and getting rid of portfolio holdings. It can also include banking, allocating, and excise and duties, as well.

What are the Types of Investment Management?

Following are the types of investment management −


Stocks, also called shares or values, might be the most popular and simple type of investment. When you buy stock, you’re buying a co-ownership in a publicly listed company. Many of the greatest companies in the country-think General Motors, Apple and Facebook-are publicly listed, meaning you can buy stock in them.


When you buy a bond, you’re basically affording money to an organization. Normally, this is a business or a government organization. Companies issue high-yield bonds, as long as local governments issue registered bonds. The U.S. bank issues high-yield bonds, notes and bills, all of which are debt instruments that investors buy.

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a pool of many shareholders’ money that is invested widely in a number of companies. Mutual funds can be actively administrated or calmly managed. An actively managed fund has a fund manager who picks reliability in which to put investors’ money.

Fund managers frequently try to beat a nominated market index by choosing investments that will exceed such an index. Mutual funds can invest in a wide array of securities − equities, bonds, commodities, currencies and derivatives.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) correspond to mutual funds in that they are a collection of investments that trace a stock price index. Unlike mutual funds, which are acquired through a fund company, shares of ETFs are bought and sold on the stock exchange.

Their price differs throughout the trading day, as long as mutual funds’ value is simply the net worth of your investments, which is calculated at the end of each trading session.

Certificates of Deposits

A certificate of deposit (CD) is a very risk-free investment. You give a bank a certain amount of money for a fixed amount of time. When that time period is over, you get your principal back, plus a fixed amount of interest. The longer the loan period, the higher your interest rate.

Retirements Plans

There are a number of types of retirement plans. Workplace retirement plans, sponsored by your employer, include 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans. If you don’t have to obtain a retirement plan, you could get a self-funded retirement plan (IRA), of either the traditional or IRA variety.


An option is an a little bit more complex way to buy a stock. When you buy an option, you’re purchasing the power to buy or sell an asset at an assertive price at a given time. There are two types of options: call options for buying assets, and put options for selling options.


Many people use annuities as part of their pension accounts. When you buy an annuity, you purchase security and, in return, you get a retaining fee. Annuities come in many varieties. They may last up to death or only for a fixed period of time. They need periodic premium payments or just one down payment.


Cryptocurrencies are a justly new investment option. Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency, but there are numerous others, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. These are digital currencies that don’t have any government backing. You can buy and sell them on cryptocurrency exchanges. Some distributors will even let you make purchases with them.


Commodities are tangible products that you can invest in. They are common in stock markets where manufacturers and commercial buyers-in other words, professionals-seek to enclose their financial stake in commodities.

Private investors should make sure they absolutely understand futures before investing in them. To some extent, that’s because commodities investing runs the risk that the price of a commodity will move clearly and instantly in either direction due to sudden events.

Objectives of Investments Management

  • Investment Management/ investment management advisory services are carried out for the following purposes −

  • Consumers would receive expert advice from an investment manager to control a portfolio of different forms of investments.

  • Investment managers have the ability to perform all the activities of investment management.

  • Investment Managers would conduct surveys and market research on the performance of the portfolio in the market. Considering it, investment managers would control the likelihood of the portfolio performing well in the market.

  • Professional advice is required for investment management services.

  • A consumer with a different portfolio would not have the burden to find profitable ways to invest.

Advantages of Investment Management

To earn a steady income

Actual investment management helps in earning a steady source of income. Investments that improve income include shares of companies that pay shareholders directly or fixed deposits that pay out regular interests.

Investment management provides steady income for jobless, employed, retired individuals constantly, increasing the likelihood of economic stability in the society. Effective investment management also acts as supplementary income by providing additional income to boost the national economy.

To grow money

People mainly save money to maintain it for future use. Investment plans make sure that individuals do not hold their savings. Government bonds and fixed deposits may not be virtual in helping personal funds grow. 

Thus, capital recognition can only result from virtual investment management in either the short or long term. For employment or individuals to make money grow, it is important to examine the best investment options that offer important income returns.

Minimizes Tax Burden

Individuals paying overtax for assets and holding companies receive a low income. Paying low taxes decreases the expenses incurred by an individual or a business when paying bills for different holding companies.

Effective investment management acts as the best way to hold together assets and capital to make sure the tax burden is reduced. Firms pay more taxes through income tax on bank rate and capital tax gains during investments, which could both be reduced through effective investment management.


After retirement, people save their incomes for their future use. They hold different securities like bonds, shares, commodities, etc. Investment decisions are not easy. Cash flows, whether they are positive or negative, are fraught with unreliability.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2022


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