What is Intrusion Detection in Cyber Security?

What is Intrusion in Cyber Security?

Any illicit behavior on a digital network is known as a network intrusion. Network incursions frequently include the theft of important network resources, which virtually always compromise the network and/or data security. This can take the shape of more dangerous and pervasive threats like ransomware or unintended data leaks by workers or others on your network.

An illegal entrance into your network or an address in your assigned domain is referred to as a network intrusion. An intrusion can be passive (in which access is achieved quietly and undetected) or aggressive (in which access is gained overtly and without detection) (in which changes to network resources are effected).

Intrusions might occur from the outside or from within your network structure (an employee, customer, or business partner). Some intrusions are just aimed to alert you that an intruder has entered your site and is defacing it with various messages or obscene graphics. Others are more malevolent, attempting to harvest sensitive data on a one-time basis or as part of a long-term parasitic connection that will continue to siphon data until it is identified.

Some intruders will try to implant code that has been carefully developed. Others will infiltrate the network, stealthily siphoning out data on a regular basis or altering public-facing Web sites with varied messages.

An attacker can acquire physical access to your system (by physically accessing a restricted computer and its hard drive and/or BIOS), externally (by assaulting your Web servers or breaching your firewall), or internally (by physically accessing a restricted machine and its hard disc and/or BIOS) (your own users, customers, or partners).

Any of the following can be considered an intrusion −

  • Malware, sometimes known as ransomware, is a type of computer virus.

  • Attempts to obtain unauthorized access to a system

  • DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks

  • Destruction of cyber-enabled equipment

  • Employee security breaches that are unintentional (like moving a secure file into a shared folder)

  • Untrustworthy users, both within and external to your company

  • Phishing campaigns and other methods of deceiving consumers with ostensibly genuine communication are examples of social engineering assaults.

Network Intrusion Attack Techniques

When it comes to compromising networks, attackers are increasingly relying on existing tools and procedures as well as stolen credentials. Operating system utilities, commercial productivity software, and scripting languages, for example, are clearly not malware and have a wide range of lawful applications.

  • Asymmetric Routing − Attackers will typically employ several routes to gain access to the targeted device or network if the network allows for asymmetric routing.

  • Buffer Overwriting − Attackers can substitute regular data in specified parts of computer memory on a network device with a barrage of commands that can subsequently be utilized as a part of a network incursion by overwriting certain memory locations.

  • Covert CGI Scripts − The Common Gateway Interface (CGI), which allows servers to relay user requests to appropriate programs and get data back to then forward to users, unfortunately, provides an easy mechanism for attackers to gain access to network system files.

  • Enormous traffic loads − Attackers can cause chaos and congestion in network settings by producing traffic loads that are too enormous for systems to fully filter, allowing them to carry out assaults without being discovered.

  • Worms − The typical, isolated computer virus, or worm, is one of the easiest and most dangerous network penetration tools. Worms, which are commonly distributed by email attachments or instant messaging, use a considerable amount of network resources, preventing permitted activities from taking place.

How Does Intrusion Detection Work?

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a monitor-only program that detects and reports irregularities in your network architecture before hackers may do damage. IDS can be set up on your network or on a client system (host-based IDS).

Intrusion detection systems often seek known attack signatures or aberrant departures from predetermined standards. These anomalous network traffic patterns are then transmitted up the stack to the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model's protocol and application layers for further investigation.

An IDS is a detection system that is positioned outside of the real-time communication band (a channel between the information transmitter and receiver) within your network infrastructure. Instead, it uses a SPAN or TAP port to watch the network and examines a copy of inline network packets (acquired through port mirroring) to ensure that the streaming traffic is not fraudulent or faked in any manner.

The IDS can readily identify malformed information packets, DNS poisonings, Xmas scans, and other polluted materials, which can have a severe impact on your overall network performance.

Intrusion detection systems employ two detection methods −

  • Signature-based detection matches data activity to a signature or pattern in a signatures database. A new harmful behavior that is not in the database, for example, is overlooked when using signature-based detection.

  • Unlike signature-based detection, behavior-based detection recognizes any abnormality and issues alarms, making it capable of identifying new sorts of threats. It's referred to as an expert system since it learns what regular behavior looks like in your system.

Updated on: 04-May-2022

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