What is hypothesis in Machine Learning?

The hypothesis is a word that is frequently used in Machine Learning and data science initiatives. As we all know, machine learning is one of the most powerful technologies in the world, allowing us to anticipate outcomes based on previous experiences. Moreover, data scientists and ML specialists undertake experiments with the goal of solving an issue. These ML experts and data scientists make an initial guess on how to solve the challenge.


What is a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a conjecture or proposed explanation that is based on insufficient facts or assumptions. It is only a conjecture based on certain known facts that have yet to be confirmed. A good hypothesis is tested and yields either true or erroneous outcomes.

Let's look at an example to better grasp the hypothesis. According to some scientists, ultraviolet (UV) light can harm the eyes and induce blindness.

In this case, a scientist just states that UV rays are hazardous to the eyes, but people presume they can lead to blindness. Yet, it is conceivable that it will not be achievable. As a result, these kinds of assumptions are referred to as hypotheses.

Defining Hypothesis in Machine Learning

In machine learning, a hypothesis is a mathematical function or model that converts input data into output predictions. The model's first belief or explanation is based on the facts supplied. The hypothesis is typically expressed as a collection of parameters characterizing the behavior of the model.

If we're building a model to predict the price of a property based on its size and location. The hypothesis function may look something like this −


The hypothesis function is h(x), its input data is x, the model's parameters are 0, 1, and 2, and the features are x1 and x2.

The machine learning model's purpose is to discover the optimal values for parameters 0 through 2 that minimize the difference between projected and actual output labels.

To put it another way, we're looking for the hypothesis function that best represents the underlying link between the input and output data.

Types of Hypotheses in Machine Learning

The next step is to build a hypothesis after identifying the problem and obtaining evidence. A hypothesis is an explanation or solution to a problem based on insufficient data. It acts as a springboard for further investigation and experimentation. A hypothesis is a machine learning function that converts inputs to outputs based on some assumptions. A good hypothesis contributes to the creation of an accurate and efficient machine-learning model. Several machine learning theories are as follows −

1. Null Hypothesis

A null hypothesis is a basic hypothesis that states that no link exists between the independent and dependent variables. In other words, it assumes the independent variable has no influence on the dependent variable. It is symbolized by the symbol H0. If the p-value falls outside the significance level, the null hypothesis is typically rejected (). If the null hypothesis is correct, the coefficient of determination is the probability of rejecting it. A null hypothesis is involved in test findings such as t-tests and ANOVA.

2. Alternative Hypothesis

An alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that contradicts the null hypothesis. It assumes that there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In other words, it assumes that there is an effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. It is denoted by Ha. An alternative hypothesis is generally accepted if the p-value is less than the significance level (α). An alternative hypothesis is also known as a research hypothesis.

3. One-tailed Hypothesis

A one-tailed test is a type of significance test in which the region of rejection is located at one end of the sample distribution. It denotes that the estimated test parameter is more or less than the crucial value, implying that the alternative hypothesis rather than the null hypothesis should be accepted. It is most commonly used in the chi-square distribution, where all of the crucial areas, related to, are put in either of the two tails. Left-tailed or right-tailed one-tailed tests are both possible.

4. Two-tailed Hypothesis

The two-tailed test is a hypothesis test in which the region of rejection or critical area is on both ends of the normal distribution. It determines whether the sample tested falls within or outside a certain range of values, and an alternative hypothesis is accepted if the calculated value falls in either of the two tails of the probability distribution. α is bifurcated into two equal parts, and the estimated parameter is either above or below the assumed parameter, so extreme values work as evidence against the null hypothesis.

Overall, the hypothesis plays a critical role in the machine learning model. It provides a starting point for the model to make predictions and helps to guide the learning process. The accuracy of the hypothesis is evaluated using various metrics like mean squared error or accuracy.


The hypothesis is a mathematical function or model that converts input data into output predictions, typically expressed as a collection of parameters characterizing the behavior of the model. It is an explanation or solution to a problem based on insufficient data. A good hypothesis contributes to the creation of an accurate and efficient machine-learning model. A two-tailed hypothesis is used when there is no prior knowledge or theoretical basis to infer a certain direction of the link.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023

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