What is Heap Pollution in Java and how to resolve it?


Heap pollution is a situation that arises in Java during runtime when a variable of a parameterized type refers to an object that is not of that parameterized type. It's a term often encountered when working with generics. This article seeks to unravel the concept of heap pollution in Java and provide guidance on how to resolve and prevent it

What are Generics in Java?

Before we delve into heap pollution, let's quickly review Java generics. Generics were introduced in Java 5 to provide type-safety and to ensure that classes, interfaces, and methods could be used with different data types while still maintaining compile-time type checking

Generics help to detect and eliminate class cast exceptions, which commonly occurred in collections before Java 5, where you had to typecast the elements retrieved from the collection.

Understanding Heap Pollution

Heap pollution occurs when a variable of a parameterized type refers to an object of a different parameterized type, resulting in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) throwing a ClassCastException.

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
List rawList = list;
rawList.add(8); // heap pollution
for (String str : list) { // ClassCastException at runtime

In the code snippet above, the ArrayList should only contain String types, but the raw List reference rawList adds an Integer to it. This is a valid operation because raw types in Java are not type-checked at compile time. However, when the enhanced for loop tries to assign this Integer to a String reference in the list, a ClassCastException is thrown at runtime. This is a clear example of heap pollution

Resolving Heap Pollution

While heap pollution can lead to ClassCastException at runtime, it can be mitigated using several practices

  • Avoid Mixing Raw Types and Parameterized Types − This is the most straightforward way to prevent heap pollution. Avoid using raw types in your code and ensure all collections are parameterized correctly.

List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(8); // compiler error
  • Use the @SafeVarargs Annotation − If you have a generic method that does not enforce its type safety, you can suppress heap pollution warnings with the @SafeVarargs annotation. However, use this only when you're certain that the method won't cause a ClassCastException.

static void display(List... lists) {
   for (List list : lists) {
  • Use the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Annotation − This annotation can also suppress heap pollution warnings. It's a broader tool than @SafeVarargs and can be used on variable assignments as well as methods.

void someMethod() {
   List list = new ArrayList();
   List rawList = list;
   rawList.add(8); // warning suppressed


Heap pollution is a potential pitfall in Java that arises when mixing raw types and parameterized types, especially in collections. Although it can lead to runtime exceptions, understanding and following best practices with generics can easily prevent it. Java's @SafeVarargs and @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotations can be used to suppress heap pollution warnings where appropriate, but the key is always to ensure type safety in your code.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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