What is Grouped Convolution in Machine Learning?


The idea of filter groups, also known as grouped convolution, was first explored by AlexNet in 2012. This creative solution was prompted by the necessity to train the network using two Nvidia GTX 580 GPUs with 1.5GB of memory each.

Challenge: Limited GPU Memory

During testing, AlexNet's creators discovered it needed a little under 3GB of GPU RAM to train. Unfortunately, they couldn't train the model effectively using both GPUs because of memory limitations.

The Motivation behind Filter Groups

In order to solve the GPU memory problem, the authors came up with filter groups. By optimizing the model's parallelization across GPUs, we were able to use computing resources more efficiently.

Understanding Filter Groups/Convolution Group

By using convolutional group filters, you can split up convolutional layers. All the filters are in each group. By implementing filter groups, the authors overcame the GPU memory restriction and got more effective model parallelization. Data and computation workload were evenly distributed among the GPUs because of the grouping of filters.

By using filter groups, the authors could make the most of their resources. They maximized the utilization of both Nvidia GTX 580 GPUs with limited memory capacity by parallelizing filter groups across the GPUs. The authors trained AlexNet successfully with filter groups. The GPU memory constraint didn't stop them from efficiently distributing the workload and training the model.

What are Filter Groups?

Researchers initially believed that filter groups were simply a means of circumventing GPU memory limitations. However, there is an interesting side effect to this technique. It appeared that the black-and-white and color filters of conv1 were divided into two distinct categories. As a result, filter groups enhanced network representations.

We conducted experiments to test the effect of filter groups on accuracy and computational efficiency. AlexNet with and without filter groups demonstrated similar validation errors and higher computational efficiency compared to AlexNet without filter groups. The results of this study show that filter groups contribute more to better representations than just workarounds.

Exploring Filter Groups in Depth

Understanding the structure of a convolutional layer is crucial to understanding filter groups. Convolutional layers typically convolution the feature maps of each previous layer across their depths. All input channels are included in the output feature maps, resulting in more parameters and computational demands.

Grouping filters into smaller groups involves dividing them into smaller groups. Every group of filters evolves with a subset of the previous layer's features. As a result, each group has fewer parameters and minimal computational load. As a result, the output feature maps are created by combining each group's convolutions, which is more memory-efficient.

Convolutional layers benefit particularly from filter groups when considering the channel dimension. The number of channels in a CNN increases significantly as it goes deeper, while the spatial dimensions decrease. By reducing the number of parameters in each group, filter groups can help manage this channel dimension dominance.

Moreover, filter groups promote the formation of better representations within the network, according to research. Filters are organized into filter groups according to their tasks, such as black and white and color filters, which facilitates filter specialization and enhances the network's ability to extract meaningful characteristics.

Benefits of Grouped Convolutions

  • Grouped convolutions allow us to build wider networks by replicating the modular blocks of filter groups. By increasing network capacity without compromising computation efficiency, we can increase network capacity.

  • A reduction in computational complexity is achieved by convolving each filter only on a subset of feature maps within its group. However, compared to applying all kernels without the concept of grouped convolutions without replication of filter groups, the overall complexity is much lower.

  • The use of group convolutions during training facilitates both model and data parallelism. In data parallelism, the dataset is split into chunks and the data is trained one chunk at a time, similar to the mini-batch gradient descent method. Meanwhile, model parallelism enables efficient use of computational resources by parallelizing the model itself. As demonstrated by AlexNet's training on limited RAM GPUs, grouped convolutions enable effective model parallelism.

Grouped convolutions have the advantage of learning better representations of the data. Due to low correlation between filters in different filter groups, each group learns a unique representation. In traditional neural networks, where filters tend to correlate with one another, this specialization of filter groups enhances the network's ability to capture diverse features.


Deep neural networks have benefited greatly from group convolutions because they enable efficient parallelization, improved computation efficiency, and enhanced representation learning. They address the challenges posed by increasing model complexity and limited hardware resources. Researchers have developed grouped convolutions so that deep models can be trained on GPUs with smaller memory capacities. A crucial role will undoubtedly be played by grouped convolutions in pushing the boundaries of model performance and efficiency as deep learning continues to advance.

Updated on: 17-Oct-2023


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