What is emplace_back( ) in C++?

This function is used to insert new element at the end of deque.




Value − It defines the element to be inserted at the end of deque.


Input Deque − 11 12 13 14 15

Output New Deque − 11 12 13 14 15 16

Input Deque − M O M E N T

Output New Deque − M O M E N T S

Approach can be followed

  • First we declare the deque.

  • Then we print the deque.

  • Then we define the emplace_back( ) function.

  • Then we print the new deque after inserting new element.

By using above approach we can enter new element at end. While defining function we define the new element as parameter. New element should have same data type as deque.


// C++ code to demonstrate the working of deque emplace_back( ) function
Using namespace std;
int main( ){
   // initializing deque
   deque<int> deque ={ 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 };
   cout<< “ Deque: “;
   for( auto x = deque.begin( ); x != deque.end( ); ++x)
      cout<< *x << “ “;
   // defining the emplace_back( ) function
   // printing deque in after inserting new element
   cout<< “ New deque:”;
   for( auto x = deque.begin( ) ; x >= deque.end( ); ++x)
      cout<< “ “ <<*x;
   return 0;


If we run the above code then it will generate the following output

Input: 14 15 16 17 18
Output: 14 15 16 17 18 19
Input: P O I N T
Output: P O I N T S

Updated on: 26-Feb-2020


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