What is Digital Marketing, and What Are the Services of Digital Marketing?

Any marketing activity done by the business to sell its product, services, or brand name to the consumer or customer through digital platforms or the internet is known as digital marketing. Digital marketing is a broad term that includes all the marketing activities done by businesses online or on screens. The pandemic has given us the much-needed push to automate any business process that we can. Another reason for the flourishing of digital marketing activities is the fact that consumers today are present in front of the screen for more than 12 hours. The screen can change from their laptop screens or mobile phone screens to their television screens. It has now become the unspoken mandate for companies to go digital. Today, 4.7 billion people in the world are present on social media.

In this article, we will be diving deep into the concept of digital marketing, the benefits of digital marketing, and the various digital marketing services at the disposal of businesses.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Services

The myriad benefits that a company can harness once it has decided to go digital are −

  • It offers the company a wider target audience − With digital marketing, companies can target consumers across the globe. For companies now, their set target audience is not just people nearby the store or in the state but the entire world that can see the product offerings of the company. Digitalization, privatization, liberalization, and globalization have made it possible for companies to transgress borders easily; therefore, companies just have to ensure quality products and the right marketing technique for their success.

  • It is a more cost-effective form of marketing communication − Companies can market their products through both organic and inorganic marketing methods. Companies can have their own dedicated budgets, and since everything today is measurable, they can easily decide how much to invest in which marketing services. Companies have access throughout the globe and can use organic techniques to succeed.

  • Customization of messages is possible −Today, we have such sophisticated technologies that companies can ensure two different ads for the same product are shown to consumers at the same time in the same locality as per their demographics, needs, and buying behavior. All of this is possible because of automation and data-driven technologies. Companies can have access to this and utilize it to better their marketing effects. This is going to be a costly affair, but the conversion ratio is going to be high for the companies.

  • Easy to measure the digital ROI −It is very difficult for companies to keep track of the number of customers that have entered the shop, the things that they have purchased, how much time they took to make the purchase decision, what all information the customer sought before making the purchase decision, whether the customer is returning to the store for a repeat purchase, whether the customer is referring the product to other consumers, and many other questions. But when companies are operating online, these things are available to them with just a click. Digital marketing helps the company track the user journey more effectively and provides the company with insights that can help them make better decisions for the product.

  • Stronger customer bond and better customer engagement − Since the focus of the company is not only to sell but to be better than its competitors and build a strong relationship with its customers, post pictures or videos that consumers might find entertaining and can relate to. Today, brands have become an integral part of the consumer’s life because, for them, it is not just a business but an experience and a form of social status. Digital marketing has made it possible for consumers to feel a connection with the brand.

The Different Services of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the umbrella term for all the business activities done by companies on digital platforms. Now we will be discussing the various branches of digital marketing and the benefits of each branch.

  • Social media marketing − In this form of marketing, companies leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Hike, Telegram, and others to target their audience. Companies sponsor posts or stories on social media channels regarding their product or service offerings. Consumers can easily connect with the company and watch the advertisements at their convenience. It is the most blossoming part of digital marketing, as we see companies ranging from insurance and healthcare to packaged food entering this platform. Consumers heavily rely on the data available on these platforms before making their purchase decisions, and their average screen time is also increasing day by day. It is the best platform to sell B2C and low-range consumer products.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) − In this form of marketing, companies pay the browsing website or the social media platforms to broadcast their company name and products whenever certain keywords are entered into the search bar. There are various forms of SEM, like pay-per-click, click-through rate, cost per thousand impressions, Google ads, and others. It is very effective for the company in the short run because more than 75% of the users will not even move to the second page of the search engine results page while browsing for certain information. Companies just have to keep in mind that they should be using this technique to get sales for the company and not website traffic.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) − This is a form of marketing that helps the company build a strong presence over the internet. Google today has more than 200 updates working simultaneously to decide the ranking of pages on its website. This is the organic form of marketing; here, the company focuses on the quality of the content, keywords, backlinks, hyperlinks, and others. It helps the company generate website traffic and organic sales.

  • Affiliate marketing − it is a form of marketing in which content creators or influencers sign contracts with brands to promote their products or services. An affiliate marketer is someone who has a fan base and expertise regarding the product or service. He will be creating content regarding the product or service and influencing people into buying the same. For every product that is sold through the efforts of the affiliate marketer in his promotion video, the affiliate marketer receives a commission. There is a special link generated by the company for every affiliate marketer that helps them keep track of the number of sales through each marketer. It is becoming very trendy because consumers tend to believe more in their local influencers or expertise. The influencers have a private connection with their fan base or their followers, and that is what helps them convert sales. We have local influencers in every field, like nutrition, healthcare, skincare, food, and others. Companies can easily connect with people in the creator economy to market their services.

  • Email marketing −it is a form of digital marketing in which companies send emails to their consumers. The emails can be of different types, like congratulating the consumers on their special occasions, giving them reminders to complete the purchase, informing them about their new arrival, and others. It is most effective for B2B and technology products.

  • Content marketing −it is also a crucial form of digital marketing. The focus here is to create quality content for the users and the viewers. Content is used in each and every form of the marketing campaign and is very crucial for the survival of the business. Content quality determines the ranking of the website on the browsing engine, the engagement rate of the brand on social media platforms, the effectiveness of email marketing and affiliate marketing campaigns, and the genuineness of the SEM as well.

Digital marketing is an integral part of the survival of the business in this fast-paced, dynamic, and technologically advanced world. Digital marketing and its services are no longer an option for the company but rather a mandate that they have to adopt. Let’s sail the digital boat together!

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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