What is Delegation?

Meaning of Delegation

Delegation of authority is the technique of moving or entrusting obligations to any other character. Delegation is the process of managing tasks by others by delegating responsibility. In businesses, managers regularly delegate obligations to their team members. Each superior authorizes subordinates to perform a specific task. The process goes to the point where real work is done. A person who is responsible for a specific task is given the necessary authority to carry it out. For example, Executive deputies work for department heads, who in turn, delegate authority to their subordinates.

You have to have a concept via way of means now that delegation relatively pertains to switching of authority. Indeed, delegation is the downward switch of authority from an advanced to a subordinate. This is critical due to the fact the advanced cannot appear after all of the processes.

The delegation of authority allows for awareness of time on extra crucial activities in an organization. Further, it presents a feeling of responsibility, a threat to develop and exercising projects to whom the authority is delegated.

One essential factor to consider is that the switch of authority from a superior to a subordinate does now no longer suggest a switch of duty. Interestingly, the duty for the obligations nevertheless is living with the superiors. Effectively, delegation entails the distribution of authority for much less essential jobs to subordinates followed through no switch of duty.

Types of Delegation

  • Formal

  • Informal

  • Specific

Formal Delegation

When delegation is a part of the organizational form or requirements, it’s called formal delegation. Here, the duty is constant and it creates an obligation. For example, whilst a person symptoms and symptoms an activity contract, their reporting manager’s call is written at the contract. This officially states that they may be answerable to this individual. When they signal the contract, they formally receive the conditions.

A formal delegation of duty and authority referees to entrusting duty and authority to an authentic function within side the employer structure. A formal delegation creates duty and makes the delegation liable for his performance. Formal delegation of authority is a part of organizational structure. Whenever a project is assigned to someone then the specified authority is likewise given to him.

Informal Delegation

Informal delegation does now no longer get up because of function, however in step with circumstances. A character might also additionally adopt a selected project now no longer due to the fact he has been assigned “it” however due to the fact it's far essential to do his regular work. A casual delegation does now no longer create any obligation. Here, the delegation isn't entrusted with the work nor is he given the duty and authority officially. The business enterprise officially has to do not anything with any such duty and authority.

Sufficient flexibility within side the delegation manner is required. It facilitates in creating a provision for each the formal and casual delegation in line with the corporation structure, temperament of the delegator, necessity of the business enterprise and exigency of the work

Specific Delegation

while authority is given to carry out trendy managerial capabilities like planning. organizing, directing, etc. The subordinate managers carry out those capabilities and experience the authority required to perform those responsibilities.

Principles of Delegation

Here, we’ll discuss about the six principles of delegation. They are as follows:

1. Principle of Functional

The associated or comparable activities ought to be grouped collectively in keeping with company function. When the definition of a function is obvious then delegation of authority will become simple. In the phrases of Koontz and O’Donnell “the greater a function or a branch has clean definitions or outcomes expected, sports to be undertaken, employer authority delegated and authority and informational relationships with different positions understood, the greater properly the people accountable can make contributions in the direction of undertaking company objectives.”.

It may be very difficult to define an activity and the authority required to perform it. If the advance isn't always clean approximately the outcomes anticipated, then it will become all of the extra tough. It has to be clear who has to do what in order that proper quantity of authority is delegated. Dual subordination outcomes in conflicts, department of loyalty and absence of private obligation for outcomes.

2. Principle of Unity of Command

The basic management principle is that of unity of command. This precept states that a subordinate ought to file simplest to only one superior. This will deliver a feel of private duty. Although it's far more viable for a subordinate to acquire orders from greater superiors and file to them, it creates greater issues and difficulties. A duty is largely non-public and authority delegation through a couple of characters to a person is probable to bring about conflicts in each authority and duty. This precept is, likewise, beneficial within side the category of authority-duty relationships.

3. Principle of Delegation by Results Expected

The delegation of authority must be primarily based totally on the idea of effects anticipated. The authority must be enough to acquire the favored effects. If the authority is inadequate, then effects will now no longer be achieved. So there must be a stability among the effects anticipated and the authority required.

4. Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility

The responsibility of a subordinate, as soon as the individual is familiar with the work, is guaranteed to his/her advance. The obligation of the advanced does now no longer lower as soon as he/she has delegated authority. He/she will continue to be chargeable for the work although it's miles delegated to the subordinate. So the obligation of advanced and subordinate stays absolute.

5. Principle of Parity of Authority and Responsibility

As authority is the right to perform assignments and obligation is the responsibility to perform it, there must be a stability among the both. The obligation must endure logical coordination with authority delegated. The subordinate must now no longer be pressured with excessive overall performance obligation with delegating sufficient authority

Sometimes the authority is delegated, however the involved character isn't always made liable for its right use. This might be a case of bad management. The parity among authority and obligation might be critical for reaching efficiency.

6. Authority Level Principle

The precept that decision-making has to stay at the extent at which authority is delegated. The managers delegate authority to subordinates however have the temptation to make selections for them. They have to permit the subordinates to take their very own selections as in line with the authority delegated to them. The delegation of authority could be powerful at best while keeping the targets clean and comprehensible to subordinates. The subordinates have to recognise the vicinity in their decision-making and have to keep away from the temptation of referring matters to better ups.

7. The Scalar Principle

The scalar principle refers back to the chain of direct authority relationships from advanced to subordinates during the organization. The closing authority ought to relax somewhere. Subordinates ought to recognize to whom they need to refer the problem if its load past their authority. The extra clean the road of authority from the pinnacle supervisor to each subordinate the extra powerful could be accountable decision-making.


Delegation includes obtaining results and sharing activities with different people who've the authority to perform work for which the delegator is accountable and responsible. The delegation method gives a complete technique to an effective interaction. Building a trusting courting takes time.

Updated on: 24-Aug-2022


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