What is Continuous Testing in DevOps(Definition, Benefits, Tools)?

Continuous Testing

Continuous testing in DevOps is a kind of software testing that entails testing the program at each phase of the software development cycle. The purpose of continuous testing is to evaluate the software quality at each stage of the Continuous Delivery Process by checking promptly and frequently.

In DevOps, the Continuous Testing phase encompasses participants such as Developers, DevOps, QA, and the operational system.

This article will teach you −

  • What is Continuous Testing?

  • How is Continuous Testing different?

  • How Is Continuous Testing Different from Test Automation?

  • How to do Continuous Testing

  • Continuous testing tools

  • Benefits of Continuous testing

  • Challenges of continuous testing

How is Continuous Testing different?

The traditional method of testing was based on handoffs. The program was passed from one group to the next. A program would have distinct Development and Quality Assurance stages. QA teams were continuously looking for extra time to verify accuracy. The objective was for quality to take precedence above the project timeline.

However, businesses want that software to be delivered to target consumers as soon as possible. The fresher the program, the easier it can be sold and the company's income possibilities will improve. As a result, a new method of testing was developed.

Continuous testing is testing that is completed without interruption on a regular basis. A software modification (release candidate) is continually moved from Development to Testing to Deployment in a Continuous DevOps cycle.

The code is constantly being written, supplied, evaluated, and published.

For instance, anytime a programmer verifies the code in a Source Code Server such as Jenkins, an automatic set of unit tests are performed in the constant cycle. If the tests fail, the development is discarded and the programmer is alerted. If the version meets the requirements, it is sent to performance and QA servers for operational and stress testing. The tests are done in parallel. If the testing is successful, the program is put into production.

Continuous testing is a minor component of the Continuous Development, Integration, and Deployment Cycle.

How Is Continuous Testing Different from Test Automation?

Test automation vs Continuous Testing

ParameterTest AutomationContinuous Testing
DefinitionTest automation is the use of a technology or program to automate operations.It is a software testing framework that aims on maintaining and improving performance and quality.
PurposeA series of comparable or repeated actions that a computer can perform quicker and with minimal mistakes.The continuous testing method aids in identifying risks, addressing them, and improving the quality of products.
PrerequisiteIt is feasible to automate testing without using continuous testing.Continuous testing cannot be accomplished in the absence of test automation.
TimeSoftware development might take anything from a month to years.The frequency of software releases can range from weekly to hourly.
FeedbackFeedback is provided on a constant schedule following the testing of each version.At each level, the response must be quick.
HistoryFor years, automated testing is often used to speed up the testing process.Continuous testing is a more recent notion.

How to do Continuous Testing

  • Creating a test automation suite from client narratives utilizing resources

  • Make a test environment.

  • To construct a testing data bed, copy and anonymize production data.

  • To test APIs, use service virtualization.

  • Parallel Performance testing

Continuous Testing Tools

Here is a hand-picked selection of the finest Continuous Testing Tools −

  • QuerySurge

    QuerySurge is an intelligent data testing tool and the first comprehensive DevOps tool for continuous data testing. Important elements include a comprehensive API with over 60 calls, extensive data intelligence and analytics, seamless implementation into the DevOps workflow for regular screening, and the ability to swiftly verify massive volumes of data.

  • Jenkins

    Jenkins is a Continuous Integration tool created in the Java programming language. This utility may be set up using a graphical user interface or console instructions.

  • Travis

    Travis is a GitHub-hosted continuous testing platform. It provides both online and on-premises options. It supports a wide range of languages and has comprehensive information.

  • Selenium

    Selenium is an open and free software testing framework. It is compatible with all major browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Selenium WebDriver is a web app testing automation tool.

Benefits of Continuous Testing

  • Speeds up the release of the software.

  • Continuous testing raises the code quality.

  • It aids in determining the precise business risk protection.

  • It works effortlessly with the DevOps process.

  • Seeks to strengthen an efficient and dependable procedure in hours rather than months.

  • With a constant feedback system, it shortens the speed to market.

  • To fulfill the demands of modern enterprises, historically segregated teams are merged. Removes the gap between the production, testing, and operations teams.

  • By using the same setup for all relevant tests, test automation aids in achieving consistency.

  • Promotes organizational needs in order to reduce business risks.

  • Service Virtualization enables universal access to test environments.

Challenges of Continuous Testing

  • The old methodology is stifling change in culture among Development and Quality Assurance experts.

  • In Agile and DevOps contexts, there is a shortage of DevOps expertise and appropriate testing tools.

  • Heterogeneous test settings that will never accurately represent the production environment.

  • The traditional testing procedure and ill-defined test data management.

  • Longer code integration cycles result in integration problems and delayed bug corrections.

  • Materials and testing environments that are limited and inadequate

  • DevOps adoption is hampered by complicated application architecture and business rules.


  • Continuous testing is a technique in software engineering that involves testing earlier, testing frequently, testing widely, and automating.

  • The traditional method of testing was based on handoffs. Jenkins, Travis, and Selenium are prominent Continuous Testing and Integration technologies that are passed from one group to another.

  • Continuous Testing provides performance insights at every level of the delivery process.

  • Continuous testing aids in the improvement of code quality.

  • The old methodology is stifling cultural change among Development and Quality Assurance experts.

  • Longer code integration cycles result in integration problems and delayed bug corrections.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2021


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