What is Cloud Encryption?

In recent years, online data privacy has become one of the most talked-about issues in information technology. Due to the continuous data flow from analog to digital devices and applications, our data is more sensitive to threats and vulnerabilities. Without the risk of losing tangible, portable media devices, the cloud allows you to access your data from anywhere with an Internet connection. Although several cloud solutions are free, they don't always include advanced security features like data encryption. So, what is cloud encryption, exactly?

What is Cloud Encryption?

The technique of encoding and altering data before moving it to the cloud is known as cloud encryption. This technique uses mathematical procedures to turn plaintext data into ciphertext, rendering it unintelligible to unauthorized and potentially malevolent users.

Cloud encryption is a simple but effective means of preventing unauthorized access to critical cloud data in the event of a breach. Even if the data is taken, thieves cannot decipher the encrypted files' information.

Encryption raises costs for cloud storage providers due to the additional bandwidth required since the encryption is required before moving it to the cloud (and eventually their users). As a result, several cloud storage providers limit their cloud encryption services, while some clients encrypt their data locally before moving it to the cloud. Some cloud clients choose this strategy, nevertheless, as it allows them to save money by keeping the entire encryption process and all keys in-house and only sending data once it has been encrypted to the cloud.

How Does Cloud Encryption Work?

Encryption encrypts data using complex methods, rendering it worthless to anyone who does not know the key. Authorized users use the key to decode the information and re-encode it readable. Only trustworthy persons, whose identities have been established and verified through multi-factor authentication, access keys.

Cloud encryption protects data as it travels to and from cloud-based apps and is stored on the network. This is referred to as data in transit and data at rest.

Data Encryption in Transit

The HTTPS protocol provides a security sockets layer (SSL) to the IP protocol, a standard pick that automatically encrypts a significant percentage of data in transit.

  • All action is encrypted with SSL, ensuring that only authorized users access session information.

  • As a result, if an unauthorized party intercepts data sent during a session, the content is worthless.

  • A digital key is used to finish decoding at the user level.

Data at Rest Encryption

  • When data is encrypted on a disc or other storage device, it ensures that it will look like a worthless jumble even if an unauthorized person copies or reads it.

  • The encrypted data is decrypted using key exchanges between the user and the device.

  • The keys are only given to users with the appropriate authorization and trust certifications.

  • All encryption and decoding are done in the background by software.

  • Other than viewing the data with the correct approval and authentication, the user does not need to perform any action.

Encryption Methods in the Cloud

Cloud encryption systems use symmetric and asymmetric approaches to encrypt and decode data. These approaches, often known as encryption algorithms, are described below.

Symmetric Algorithms

Since symmetric algorithm cloud encryption employs the same keys for encryption and decoding, it's perfect for 'closed' organizational systems.

  • This method, also known as the secret key algorithm method, uses keys to secure all types of communication.

  • This method is best for encrypting large amounts of data.

  • The key advantages of this technique are its quick and simple hardware implementation and speedier encryption.

  • Any employee with access to the secret key, on the other hand, can use that key to decrypt encrypted sensitive material, even if the data is not intended for them.

Asymmetric Algorithms

The asymmetric algorithm approach employs two keys, one private and the other, mathematically connected.

  • In this system, keys are asymmetric, which means that while they are associated with each other, they are not identical.

  • These private keys are only shared with relevant authorities via cloud encryption solutions using a secure communication channel.

Cloud Encryption - Advantages

Encryption is one of the essential safeguards that corporations may employ to protect their data, intellectual property (IP), and other confidential material and their customers' data. It also addresses privacy and protection legislation and standards.

Some of the benefits of cloud encryption are as follows −

  • Security − Encryption provides end-to-end protection for sensitive data, such as customer data, in transit or at rest across any device or between users. Regulations and standards governing data privacy and protection, such as HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) and FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), require businesses to encrypt sensitive customer data.

  • Integrity − While hostile actors can alter or manipulate encrypted data, authorized users can quickly identify such activities.

  • Reduced danger − In some situations, corporations may be excluded from disclosing a data breach if the data was encrypted, which lessens the potential of reputational damage as well as litigation or other legal action as a result of a security breach.

Updated on: 16-Feb-2022

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