What is ASCII Alphanumeric Characters in Computer Architecture?

ASCII represents American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is the standard binary code used to represent alphanumeric characters. Alphanumeric characters are used for the transfer of information to and from the I/O devices and the computer. This standard helps seven bits to code 128 characters. However, there is an additional bit on the left that is always assigned 0. Therefore, there are 8 bits in total.

The ASCII code consists of 34 nonprinting characters and 94 characters used for various control operations. There are 26 uppercase letters A through Z, 26 lowercase letters a through z, numerals from 0 to 9, and 32 printable characters including %,*.

The control characters are used to route the data and arrange the printed text into a prescribed format.

A list of control characters is shown in the table.

Control Character and Description

Control CharacterDescription
SOHStart of Heading
STXStart of text
EOTEnd of the transmission
DLEData Link Escape
ETBEnd of the transmission block
EMEnd of medium

Types of Control Characters

There are three types of control characters that are as follows −

  • Format Effectors − It can control the design of printing. It contains familiar typewrite controls including Back Space (BS), Horizontal Tabulation (HT), and Carriage Return (CR).
  • Information Separators − It can separate the information into divisions including paragraphs and pages. It includes Record Separator (RS) and File Separator (FS).
  • Communication Control − It can be used during the transmission of text between remote terminals.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2021

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