What Is Anchor Text Diversity? and Why You Should Use It

Do you want your website to rank high in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to do that, but if you really want to boost your SEO efforts and take them up a notch, consider using anchor text diversity. Anchor text diversity involves the deliberate use of different words or phrases when linking back to a particular page within your own website – but why should you bother? In this blog post, I'll explain what exactly anchor text diversity is, how it works and how it can help with SEO ranking. So if you're curious to learn more and maximize your site's visibility on SERPs, stay tuned!

What is Anchor Text Diversity?

The text that can be clicked to open a hyperlink on a website is called anchor text. When clicked, it usually takes the user to another online page and is blue and highlighted. There are three types of anchor text: exact match, partial match, and generic. Partial match anchor text is a version of the keyword or phrase you want to rank for, whereas exact match anchor text matches the keyword or phrase exactly. A phrase like "click here" or "learn more" is an example of generic anchor text, which is used to link to a website.

The diversity of anchor texts used to link to a website is referred to as anchor text diversity. Otherwise said, it refers to the number of unique phrases, words, or characters that are used as clickable links on other websites linking to your site. For SEO purposes, the more diversity in the anchor text, the better.

Why is Anchor Text Diversity Important?

Diversity in anchor text is vital since it aids search engines in comprehending a webpage's content and relationships with other websites. The anchor text of links pointing to a website can be used by search engines to deduce information about the page when they crawl it. Search engines may be alerted and may consider it to be manipulative or spammy if every anchor text leading to a webpage is the same.

This problem can be avoided by using a variety of anchor text, which tells search engines that the page is being linked to naturally. This enhances the credibility and authority of the website, which may eventually result in higher results in SERPs.

Diversity in the anchor text also helps to prevent over-optimization, which is another advantage. To rank for a particular keyword or phrase, a website must use an excessive number of exact match or partial match anchor texts. Search engines may penalize you for this, which may lead to a drop in rankings or possibly removal from the search results altogether.

How to Use Anchor Text Diversity

Understanding the various types of anchor text and how to use them is crucial for making successful use of anchor text diversity.

  • Exact match anchor text − The keyword or phrase you wish to rank for must exactly match the anchor text. It can be beneficial to help with ranking for a specific keyword, but it must be used sparingly and naturally. Use exact match anchor text for no more than 5% of your entire anchor text, as a decent rule of thumb.

  • Partial match anchor text  A variation of the phrase or word you want to rank for is partial match anchor text. Use partial match anchor text, such as "top coffee shops" or "excellent coffee locations," for instance, if you wish to rank for "best coffee businesses." This kind of anchor text can help you prevent over-optimization and diversify your profile of anchor text.

  • Branded anchor text  A brand name or website's name is part of branded anchor text, a kind of generic anchor text. For instance, "Shop at Amazon" or "Visit Starbucks." Establishing brand awareness and authority through the use of branded anchor text is possible.

  • Naked URLs  A naked URL is simply the URL of the website without any anchor text. "www.starbucks.com" or "www.amazon.com," for instance. Therefore, using naked URLs as anchor text can help to diversify your anchor text profile and avoid over-optimization.

  • Generic anchor text − A phrase like "click here" or "learn more" is an example of generic anchor text, which is used to link to a website. Although it might not have any benefits for certain keywords, it might help you diversify your profile of anchor texts and prevent over-optimization.

Keep your anchor text natural and avoid over-optimization when utilizing it. This involves avoiding using the same anchor text repeatedly and using a wide variety of anchor text. Also, it's critical to put the user's needs first and make sure the anchor text is relevant to the content it is linking to.

Key Factors to Remember

  • To aid search engines in understanding a webpage's content and its relationships to other web pages, it is essential to use anchor text that adds value to the user and is relevant to the content it is linked to. To avoid over-optimization, using a variety of anchor texts is crucial. Over-optimization occurs when a website uses an excessive number of exact match or partial match anchor texts to rank for a specific keyword or phrase. This can lead to penalties by search engines, resulting in a drop in rankings or possibly removal from search results. Using different kinds of anchor text can prevent over-optimization and ensure that a website is recognized as a reliable and authoritative source of information.

  • Understanding the different kinds of anchor text and using them effectively is also important. Exact match, partial match, branded, naked URLs, and generic anchor text are some of the several kinds of anchor text that can be utilized. Each type of anchor text has its advantages, and they should be used in a natural and relevant way to benefit the user. For example, using exact match anchor text carefully and naturally can help a website rank for a specific keyword or phrase. A fair rule of thumb is to use exact match anchor text for no more than 5% of the entire anchor text. Branded anchor text can help establish brand awareness and authority, while partial match anchor text can diversify the anchor text profile and prevent over-optimization. Naked URLs and generic anchor text can also diversify the anchor text profile and add value to the user.

  • Lastly, it is critical to constantly check and assess the anchor text profile to ensure it is diverse and natural. This involves monitoring the different types of anchor text being used and ensuring they are relevant to the content they are linking to. Routinely optimizing the anchor text profile can help search engines view the website as a reliable and authoritative source of information.


In conclusion, anchor text diversity is a powerful SEO strategy that can help you achieve higher rankings on search engines and build trust with your audience. By diversifying your anchor text, you can ensure that each link provides an appropriate amount of specificity and relevance to the content of the page being linked to. Additionally, using keyword-rich anchor text on links that lead to your own web pages helps increase visibility in searches related to those phrases. Anchor text diversity is an important consideration when optimizing your website for search engine rankings, as it can have a significant impact on the success of your overall SEO effort.

This strategy is not only beneficial for improving search engine rankings but also builds trust with readers by making sure that the content of each link is relevant and useful for them. With this in mind, make sure you are mindful of how you optimize your website’s content and use various forms of anchor text diversity to get the best possible results.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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