What is adaptive state sharding?

Blockchain technologies are constantly evolving to meet the needs of their users. One such innovation is adaptive state sharding, which is designed to improve the scalability of blockchains. In this article, we'll take a look at what adaptive state sharding is and how it works.

What is state sharding?

State sharding is a process of horizontally partitioning data in a database across multiple nodes. This can be done to improve performance, availability, and scalability. There are two types of state sharding− static and adaptive. Static state sharding is where the partitions are fixed and do not change.

Adaptive state sharding is where the partitions can change based on load or other conditions. Adaptive state sharding can offer better performance and availability than static state sharding because it can more easily adapt to changing conditions. For example, if there is a sudden increase in traffic, adaptive state sharding can dynamically add more nodes to the system to handle the increased load.

If you are considering using state sharding for your database, adaptive state sharding may be the best option.

What is adaptive state sharding?

Adaptive state sharding is a type of state sharding that is designed to be flexible and adaptable to changing conditions. It allows for the addition or removal of shards as needed, and can also change the way data is stored within shards. This can make it easier to update a blockchain network as new technologies or user needs arise.

How does adaptive state sharding work?

Adaptive state sharding is a way of partitioning data in a database so that each partition can be stored on a different server. This can improve performance by allowing each server to handle only a portion of the data. To shard data, each record is assigned to a specific server based on a key value. For example, records with keys that start with A would be stored on Server 1, those with keys that start with B would be stored on Server 2, and so on. When a client requests data, the key is used to determine which server stores the requested data. The client then retrieves the data from that server.

Adaptive state sharding can improve performance if the keys are chosen such that the servers are evenly balanced. For example, if most of the requests are for data that is stored on Server 1, then that server will become overloaded while the other servers will have spare capacity. To avoid this problem, the key values can be chosen dynamically so that they are spread evenly across all of the servers. This approach is known as adaptive state sharding.

Advantages and disadvantages of adaptive state sharding

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Static state sharding is more predictable and can be easier to manage, but it may not be as efficient if there is a sudden surge in transaction volume. Adaptive state sharding is more flexible and can better handle sudden spikes in traffic, but it may be more complex to manage and could potentially lead to security issues if not done properly.

Ultimately, it's up to each individual blockchain network to decide which type of state sharding is best for them.

When to use adaptive state sharding

As your application grows, the amount of data that needs to be managed increases exponentially. At some point, you will need to start sharding your data to improve performance and keep your application running smoothly. But how do you know when it's time to start sharding your data?

There is no definitive answer, but there are a few signs that indicate that it might be time to consider adaptive state sharding −

  • Your application is slow or unresponsive.

  • You are consistently running out of storage space.

  • Your database is becoming increasingly fragmented.

  • You are receiving more errors or timeouts.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, it might be time to look into adaptive state sharding. State sharding can be a complex process, but it can be a great way to improve the performance and stability of your application.


In conclusion, adaptive state sharding is a process of automatically splitting up data based on certain criteria in order to improve performance and efficiency. This method has many benefits, but also some drawbacks that should be considered before implementing it. Overall, adaptive state sharding can be a great way to improve the performance of your system, but make sure you weigh all the pros and cons before decide whether or not to use it.

Updated on: 02-Dec-2022


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