What is acquisition premium?

An acquisition premium is the amount of money that a company is willing to pay to acquire another company. This premium is typically calculated as a percentage of the target company's equity value. For example, if Company A is willing to pay $100 million for Company B, and Company B has an equity value of $1 billion, then the acquisition premium would be 10%. In another word, It is the difference between the price paid for a company and the company's fair market value. This premium is often used to motivate employees and management to stay with the company following an acquisition.

How is it calculated?

There are several methods used to calculate the acquisition premium, including −

  • comparing the price paid to the recent share price of the company

  • comparing the price paid to the average share price over a certain period of time

  • comparing the price paid to the book value of the company's assets

The most common method is to compare the price paid to the recent share price of the company. This method is simple and easy to understand, but it can be misleading if the share price was artificially inflated prior to the acquisition.

The other methods are more sophisticated and take into account factors such as earnings and growth potential. However, they can be complex and difficult to understand.

What are its benefits?

Acquisition premium is a type of insurance that helps to protect the buyer of a business from any potential losses that may occur during the acquisition process. This type of insurance can help to cover the costs of any due diligence that needs to be conducted, as well as any legal fees that may be incurred. Additionally, acquisition premium can help to provide protection against any unforeseen liabilities that may be discovered after the deal has been completed. Ultimately, this type of insurance can help to make sure that the buyer is protected from any unexpected cost or risks associated with the purchase of a business.

What are its drawbacks?

The main drawback of an acquisition premium is that it can potentially lead to overpaying for a company. This can happen if the acquiring company pays too much for the target company, or if the target company's shareholders receive too high of a premium. Additionally, an acquisition premium can create a conflict of interest between the shareholders of the target company and the management of the target company.

How to decide if it's right for you

The idea of an acquisition premium—or paying a company more than its current market value in order to buy it—isn't new. In fact, it's a strategy that has been used by some of the most successful investors in the world.

But is it right for you?

There are a few things to consider before deciding if paying an acquisition premium is the right move for your portfolio.

  • First, what is the company's competitive position? Is it a leader in its industry with a strong competitive advantage, or is it struggling to keep up with the competition?

  • Second, what is the company's growth potential? If the company is already growing quickly, paying an acquisition premium may not be necessary. However, if the company has potential for significant growth, an acquisition premium may be worth paying.

  • Third, what is your tolerance for risk? An acquisition premium represents a higher degree of risk than simply buying a company at its current market value. Make sure you are comfortable with this level of risk before moving forward.

Paying an acquisition premium can be a great way to boost your portfolio's performance, but it's not right for everyone. Carefully consider these factors before making a decision.


This type of insurance can be invaluable for businesses looking to expand their operations, as it can help offset the cost of any unforeseen issues that may arise during the acquisition process. If you are thinking about acquiring or merging with another company, be sure to talk to your insurance provider about whether or not acquisition premium coverage is right for you.

Updated on: 02-Dec-2022


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