What is a Test Script and how do I write one?

What is a Test Script, and how does it work?

Test scripts are a line-by-line description of the system transactions that must be done in order to verify the application or system under test. Each step should be included in the test script, along with the intended outcomes.

Test scripts are a line-by-line list of all the activities that must be performed and tested on various user journeys. It lays down each action to be followed, along with the intended outcomes. The testers may then test each step on a variety of devices in a methodical manner. Scenario testing is defined as testing that follows a set of test steps.

This automation script enables software testers to thoroughly test each stage on a variety of devices. The actual items to be run, as well as the anticipated outcomes, must be included in the test script.

The test script, the most extensive method of documenting testing, is the starting point for this tale. When people speak about test scripts, they're generally referring to a line-by-line description of all the activities and data required to run a test. A script usually contains steps that attempt to thoroughly define how to use the software — which buttons to hit and in what sequence — to perform a certain activity. These scripts also specify the intended outcomes for each step, such as seeing a change in the user interface. "Click the 'X' button," for example, with "The window closes" as a sample consequence.

A tester may not know much about the product, the business area, or even software testing when they start a new position. Scripts may assist in bridging this gap. The test concept will be sufficiently covered to be considered 'tried' if the tester carefully follows the guidelines — type the string 'ABC,' click the submit button, and double-check that the form was submitted and the value was stored.

Before going all-in with complex scripts, there are a few downsides to consider. Pages are rebuilt, the user experience evolves, and new functionality is introduced to active software projects on a regular basis. Testers must make a continual effort to update scripts to fit the new product in order to remain effective over time. This may detract from testing time. Another disadvantage is that scripted tests are often built to test the same thing over and over again, utilizing the same processes and data each time the test is run. This implies that until the tester deviates from the test script, bugs that lay outside of the script's directives will go undetected. Scripted tests don't always inspire testers to utilize their imagination and technical skills to identify faults that are concealed.

This Test Script tutorial will teach you how to

  • What is the difference between a test case and a test script?

  • What Is a Test Script and How Do I Write One?

  • Example of a test script.

  • Creating a Test Script: Some Pointers

  • When should you use a test script?

  • Test Script Template

Difference between a Test Script Template and a Test Script

The following are the key distinctions between Test Cast and Test Script −

Test CaseTest Script
A test case is a detailed technique for testing an application.
A test script is a collection of instructions for autonomously testing an application.
In a manual testing environment, Test Cases are employed.
In the automated testing environment, Test Script is employed.
It’s conducted manually.
It is carried out in accordance with the scripting format.
Test ID, test data, test technique, actual and predicted outcomes, and so on are all included in the test case template.
To create a script in Test Script, we may utilize a variety of instructions.

What Is a Test Script and How Do I Write One?

A test script may be written in one of three ways −


Instead of just recording the user's activities, the tester must write any code in this function. However, the tester may be required to code in order to correct errors or fine-tune the automated behavior.

Because you already have the whole code, this technique is simpler than building a comprehensive test script from start. It's most often seen in a simplified programming language like VBScript.

Scripting based on keywords or data

There is a clear distinction between testers and developers with this strategy. The tester defines the test using keywords rather than the underlying code in data-driven scripting.

The developers' task here is to implement the test script code for the keywords and to update it as required. As a result, the tester does not have to be concerned about the system while using this approach. For any new feature you wish to test automatically, however, they will heavily depend on development resources.

Using the Programming Language to Write Code

If you choose to construct test scripts this way, you will usually be able to record or replay the results and produce a simple script.

However, as a tester, you will eventually need to learn how to create basic scripts in addition to record/playback. Even though your application is created in Java, you have the option of choosing your programming language.

It does not, however, imply that you must create your test scripts in Java, which is a challenging language to master. Instead, use a simpler language like JavaScript or Ruby to construct your test scripts (or any easier language you wish to use).

Example of a Test Script

The following is an example of a test script.

For instance, to test a website's login feature, your test script may execute the following −

  • Specify where the "Username" and "Password" fields on the login screen should be found by the automation tool. Let's suppose we're going to go by their CSS element IDs.

  • Go to the homepage of the website and click the "login" option. Check that the Login screen is visible, as well as the "Username" and "Password" columns.

  • Next, input the login "Charles" and password "123456," then locate and click the "Confirm" button.

  • They must describe how a user may get the title of the Welcome screen that shows after logging in, for example, by its CSS element ID.

  • Make sure the Welcome screen's title is displayed.

  • Read the welcome screen's title.

  • "Welcome Charles," write in the title text.

  • If the headline wording matches the expectations, the test was successful. Otherwise, an album that fails the test.

Creating a Test Script: Some Pointers

Here are a few helpful hints for writing a test script −

  • Clear − Your test script should be easy to understand. If the tester is continuously asking the project manager for information regarding the program. This is a complete waste of time and resources. To prevent this, make sure that each step in the test script is clear, succinct, and cohesive at all times. This makes the testing process go more smoothly.

  • Simple − You should write a test script that only asks testers to do one unique activity. This ensures that each function is thoroughly evaluated and that no phases in the software testing process are overlooked.

  • Well-thought-out − To develop the test script, imagine yourself in the shoes of the user and pick which pathways to test. You should be able to think outside the box to anticipate all of the possible pathways that consumers could take when using a system or program.

When Should You Use a Test Script?

The following are the justifications for utilizing the Test Script.

  • The most reliable way to ensure that nothing is skipped and that the findings match the desired testing strategy is to use a test script.

  • It gives a lot less space for mistakes throughout the testing process if the test script is prepared.

  • Testers are sometimes given free rein over the product. They are prone to overlooking key details.

  • When a function does not provide the anticipated result, the tester assumes it.

  • It's especially helpful when the user's performance is critical and specific.

Test Script Template

A Test Script Template is a reusable structured document that provides pre-selected information that is necessary to create a viable test script. This document establishes the level of depth in your tests as well as the information that should be provided in each test case.


  • A line-by-line description of the system transactions that should be conducted to verify the application or system under test is referred to as a test script.

  • A test case is a step-by-step technique for testing an application, while a test script is a collection of instructions for automatically testing an application.

  • 1) Record/playback is one of three techniques to develop a test script. 2) Keyword/data-driven scripting; 3) Using the Programming Language to Write Code

  • Your test script should be easy to understand, and it should only include one specified activity for testers to do.

  • The most reliable way to ensure that nothing is skipped and that the findings match the desired testing strategy is to use a test script.

  • A Test Script Template is a reusable structured document that provides pre-selected information that is necessary to create a viable test script.

Updated on: 17-Dec-2021

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