What is a Test Scenario?

Any capability that may be tested is defined as a TEST SCENARIO. It's also known as Test Possibility or Test Condition. As a tester, you should put yourself in the shoes of the end user and determine the Application Under Test's real-world scenarios and use cases.

In liner statements, a test scenario is a complete list containing test cases that cover end-to-end functionality of a software program. A scenario is defined as a liner statement. The test scenario is a classification of testable requirements at a high level. These criteria are categorized according to a module's functionality and derived from use cases.

Because there are so many test cases in the scenario, there is a thorough testing process. The tester must evaluate the test cases for each scenario before completing the test scenario. Testers must put themselves in the shoes of the user in the test scenario because they are testing the software application from the user's perspective. The most important aspect of the process is scenario preparation, which necessitates seeking advice or assistance from customers, stakeholders, or developers.

Important − Because the text scenario process does not include navigation steps or input, the test execution process cannot be done.

These are high-level documents that describe all of the conceivable permutations or various ways or combinations of utilizing the application, with the primary goal of understanding the application's general flow.

Method of Writing Test Scenario

To build Test Scenarios as a tester, follow these steps -

  • Examine the software's requirement documents, such as SRS (System Requirement Specification), the BRS (Business Requirement Specification), and FRS (Functional Requirement Specification). You could also consult the application's use cases, books, manuals, and other resources.

  • For each requirement, determine all technical aspects and objectives.

  • Find every feasible way for the user to interact with the software.

  • Determine all possible scenarios in which the system could be exploited, as well as users who could be hackers.

  • Make a list of various test cases to check each function of the software after reading the requirement document and completing the scheduled analysis.

  • Create a traceability matrix after you've identified all of the possible test scenarios to see if each requirement has a matching test scenario or not.

  • All possibilities are reviewed by the project supervisor. They are then evaluated by the project's other stakeholders.

When writing test cases, we had to observe a few rules -

  • Always keep a list of the most frequently utilized features and modules.

  • We usually begin the scenarios by selecting modules one by one, in order to maintain a good sequence and avoid missing any module levels.

  • Scenarios are usually defined at the module level.

  • Delete scenario should always be the final resort; else, we will waste a lot of time re-creating data.

  • It should be written in plain English.

  • Every scenario should be written in a single or two-line format, try not to write in paragraphs.

  • Do's and checks should be included in every scenario.

Reason for creating Test Scenario

One test scenario can cover several test cases. As a result, Test Scenarios and Test Cases have a one-to-many relationship. However, the tester must consider each scenario when developing it. It was created by testers to test the application from the perspective of an end-user. Testers look for crucial information from all developers, stakeholders, and customers.

The following are the reasons for their creation −

  • The design of excellent Test Scenarios ensures complete and proper Test Coverage.

  • It is necessary to create them in order to investigate a program's end-to-end functionality.

  • They can be used to determine the most significant and critical end-to-end transactions or real-time application usage.

  • They can be used as a tool for quickly determining testing workforce, which can then be utilized to assist clients or organizations with proposal creation and testing workforce organization efficiently and effectively.

  • Approval of applications is done at multiple levels, including customers, business analysts, developers, and so on, to ensure thorough and proper testing.

When Test Scenario should not be created

There are some conditions in which its production should be prevented -

  • It is unlikely to be developed in projects that use Agile Methodologies like Scrum.

  • It may be avoided when the applications to be tested are unstable or excessively complicated, or when the project is in a critical-time state.

  • Its creation may be prevented for regression testing or a new defect because substantial documentation of them would happen in previous test cycles in maintenance projects.

Features of Test Scenario

  • The test scenario is a one-liner that directs testers through the testing process.

  • The product's complexity and repetition are reduced by using a test scenario.

  • A test scenario is when you talk and think about tests in great detail yet write them down in liner statements.

  • It's a series of procedures threaded together.

  • When the tester does not have enough time to write test cases and the team agrees on a comprehensive liner scenario, the test scenario becomes more significant.

  • The test scenario is a useful activity for saving time.

  • It is simple to maintain because adding and modifying test scenarios is simple and self-contained.

Test Scenario Examples

We're using the Gmail application to create test cases for the most often used modules, such as Login, Compose, and inbox

Test Scenarios for the Login module

  • Check that the home page is displayed after entering the correct login information (username and password).

  • Check for the home page after entering the invalid Username and password.

  • Check for an error message if you leave the username and password fields blank.

  • Enter a valid Login, click Cancel, and look for the fields to be reset.

  • Check that the account has been blocked by entering invalid Login more than three times.

  • Check sure the Username is displayed on the home screen after entering a valid Login.

Test Scenario for compose module

  • Checks if all users have access to the To, Cc, and Bcc email addresses.

  • Check that the entire user has access to the To, Cc, and Bcc fields.

  • Prepare a message, send it, and wait for a confirmation message.

  • Compose an email, send it, and check the sender's sent item as well as the inbox.

  • Create a message, send it, and check for invalid and legitimate email addresses (valid format) in the sender's inbox

  • Check for conformation messages and check-in draft messages after composing main and then discarding it.

  • After you've finished writing your email, save it as a draft and look for the confirmation message.

  • Compose an email, shut it, and check for confirmation before saving it as a draft.

On the Inbox module, Test scenario.

  • Check that all received mail is shown and highlighted in the inbox by clicking on it.

  • Check that the sender email id for the most recent received email has been accurately displayed.

  • Select the email, reply, and forward it; check the sender's sent item and the receiver's inbox.

  • Examine any attached attachments to the email to see if they have been downloaded or not.

  • Before downloading, be sure the attachment has been properly inspected for malware.

  • Select the email, reply, and forward it, then save it as a draft. Check the Draft section for the confirmation message and checks.

  • Check that all of the emails that have been marked as read have not been highlighted.

  • Verify that all Cc recipients are visible to all users.

  • Checks that all Bcc email recipients are hidden from the users.

  • Select the message, delete it, and then check the Trash folder.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2021


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