What is a Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) in Machine Learning?

The Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) is a popular optimization method in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Modeled after natural selection, SGAs use genetic operators like crossover and mutation to create a pool of candidate solutions. They have global search capabilities and are experts in resolving complex optimization problems. SGAs help solve combinatorial issues and can handle non-differentiable landscapes. Optimal or near-optimal solutions can be found with SGAs because of their flexible and reliable structure, which is adjusted by changing the parameters.

This article delves into the basics of SGAs, their benefits and drawbacks, the fields in which they excel, and how they differ from other optimization techniques.


A machine learning Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) algorithm is as follows −

  • Initiate the population by generating an initial set of candidates for the problem. Each member of the population often takes the form of a binary string or vector and represents one potential answer to the problem at hand.

  • Examine health and fitness levels and rank the population as a whole. How well each approaches the problem is quantified by the fitness function. It may be a numerical metric or a set of criteria articulated by the end user.

  • Check if a termination condition has been met. This criterion could include meeting a certain degree of fitness, completing several generations, or entirely.

  • Choose parents for the future by picking certain people from the current population. Individuals with better fitness ratings are more likely to be selected due to the proportionate fitness selection used in the selection process.

  • Crossover − Use crossover on the preferred parents to produce the following generation's children. Genetic material is exchanged between the parents beyond a predetermined chromosome point in the crossover. In this way, characteristics from multiple parents can be incorporated into a single offspring.

  • Mutation − make unpredictable alterations to a population's genetic makeup in the next generation. Due to mutation, the population becomes more diverse, and more areas of the solution space can be investigated. The process includes making a seemingly random change to a tiny section of a person's chromosome.

  • Determine the viability of offspring − Determine if the babies you just generated are healthy and viable.

  • Substitute individuals − Use the kids to replace some of the least fit people in the current population. The replacement can be based on techniques such as eliminating the worst or employing elitism to keep the best people around.

  • Iterate through steps 3-8 − Extend the iterative cycle of selection, crossover, mutation, fitness testing, and replacement for the required number of generations.

  • Get the top dog out there − Once the termination condition is met, the best solution or approximation to the optimal solution is the last generation's top fitness achiever.


function SimpleGeneticAlgorithm():
   // Initialization
   population = InitializePopulation()    
   // Evaluation
   // Main loop
   while termination condition is not met:
      // Selection
      parents = Selection(population)      
      // Crossover
      offspring = Crossover(parents)       
      // Mutation
      // Evaluation
      // Replacement
        population = Replace(population, offspring)       
   // Output the best individual
   bestIndividual = SelectBestIndividual(population)
   return bestIndividual

function InitializePopulation():
   // Create an initial population of individuals
   population = []
   for i = 1 to populationSize:
      individual = CreateRandomIndividual()
   return population

function EvaluateFitness(population):
   // Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population
   for each individual in population:
      fitness = CalculateFitness(individual)
      individual.fitness = fitness

function Selection(population):
   // Select parents for reproduction
   parents = []
   for i = 1 to numberOfParents:
      parent = SelectParent(population)
   return parents

function Crossover(parents):
   // Create offspring through crossover
   offspring = []
   for i = 1 to numberOfOffspring:
      parent1, parent2 = SelectParents(parents)
      child = PerformCrossover(parent1, parent2)
   return offspring

function Mutate(offspring):
   // Introduce random mutations in the offspring
   for each child in offspring:
      if random probability is less than mutationRate:

function Replace(population, offspring):
   // Replace least fit individuals in the population with offspring
   sortedPopulation = SortByFitness(population)
   sortedOffspring = SortByFitness(offspring)
   // Replace worst individuals in the population with offspring
   for i = 1 to numberOfOffspring:
      index = populationSize - i
      sortedPopulation[index] = sortedOffspring[i]
   return sortedPopulation

function SelectBestIndividual(population):
   // Select the individual with the highest fitness as the best individual
   sortedPopulation = SortByFitness(population)
   bestIndividual = sortedPopulation[0]
   return bestIndividual

// Helper functions

function CreateRandomIndividual():
   // Create a random individual
   individual = GenerateRandomIndividual()
   return individual

function CalculateFitness(individual):
   // Calculate the fitness of an individual
   fitness = EvaluateIndividual(individual)
   return fitness

function SelectParent(population):
   // Select a parent from the population
   parent = RandomlySelectIndividual(population)
   return parent

function SelectParents(parents):
   // Select two parents from the parent pool
   parent1 = RandomlySelectParent(parents)
   parent2 = RandomlySelectParent(parents)
   return parent1, parent2

function PerformCrossover(parent1, parent2):
   // Perform crossover between two parents to create a child
   child = CrossoverParents(parent1, parent2)
   return child

function MutateChild(child):
   // Mutate a child individual


Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) is helpful in Machine Learning because −

  • Global Search − SGAs can search many solutions and find global optimums, even for difficult optimization problems with many parts. Local best solutions do not limit approaches based on gradients.

  • In contrast to many optimization methods, SGAs don't need information about derivatives. They are useful in many cases, even when the fitness maps aren't different or smooth.

  • Robustness − SGAs work well to solve problems. They can deal with loud exercise tests and conditions that change.

  • Parallelizable − SGAs can look at several members of a group at the same time. This speeds up work on systems that use parallel computing.

  • SGAs have a good mix of research and use. Crossover and evolution look for new ways to solve problems. Selection makes sure that the best places go to the best people. This balance slows convergence and makes finding the best or next-best answer easier.


The Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) in Machine Learning has some limitations.

  • If a community grows or the search area has many dimensions, SGAs may need a lot of computer resources. It takes time to figure out how fit each community member is, which makes them less useful for big tasks.

  • SGAs are optimization algorithms that can be used for anything and don't understand the problem they're trying to solve. Population-based search may not be able to use structures or traits unique to a certain situation.

  • SGAs have trouble with problems that have complicated limits, especially when breaking them could lead to wrong or hard to understand answers. Most of the time, there are limits on expanding or changing the normal SGA.

  • Premature Convergence − If the study time is too short or the selection pressure is too high, SGAs might develop solutions that aren't as good. The algorithm may get stuck in a local optimum when there are many similar replies or misleading fitness landscapes.

  • Tuning Parameters − For best performance, the population size, crossover rate, and mutation rate of SGAs must be carefully picked. You may need to know the name or try and fail to find parameter values.


  • SGAs can pick the right features from a large set of features. SGAs can find the most helpful features by judging each individual's fitness based on how well they can tell things apart or help with the classification/regression task.

  • SGAs improve the parameters and hyperparameters of machine learning models. SGAs can find the best parameter values by treating them like genes in the chromosome and using the fitness function to measure how well the model works.

  • SGAs teach the weights and biases of a neural network. By storing the values of the network in the chromosome and using the fitness function to measure performance, SGAs can improve the performance of networks over time.

  • SGAs can enhance, denoise, and identify images. Algorithms can be used to improve the way picture processing, filtering, and recognition work.

  • SGAs can group and categorize data. SGAs can find the best way to set up clusters or divide them into groups by letting cluster centers or rules for grouping change over time based on fitness.


In conclusion, Simple Genetic Algorithms (SGAs) are a powerful way to solve hard optimization problems in machine learning. Their ability to deal with different kinds of problems, their ability to look globally, and their flexibility make them a useful tool for improving performance and finding optimal or nearly optimal solutions.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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