What is a Networking in information security?

A network is simply a set of computers or other hardware devices that are linked together, such as physically or logically, using special hardware and software, to enable them to exchange data and cooperate. In networking, it can defines the processes included in designing, executing, upgrading, handling and working with web and network technologies.

Network security includes the provisions made in an underlying computer network infrastructure, policies adopted by the network management to secure the network and the network-accessible resources from unauthorized access and consistent and continuous monitoring and analysis of its effectiveness (lack) combined together.

Network security is a group of technologies that secure the usability and integrity of a company’s infrastructure by avoiding the entry or proliferation within a network of a broad variety of potential threats.

A network security architecture is composed of tools that secure the network itself and the software that run over it. Effective nInetwork security approaches employ several lines of defence that are extensible and automated. Each defensive layer enforces a group of security policies decided by the administrator.

Network security is important to an organization’s ability to deliver products and services to user and employees. From online stores to enterprise applications to remote desktops, securing apps and data on the network is significant to advancing the business, to say nothing of securing an organization’s reputation. Furthermore, effective network security can enhance network performance by removing downtime because of successful attacks.

Different approaches to computer network security administration have multiple requirements based on the size of the computer network. For example, a home office needed basic network security while large businesses needed high maintenance to avoid the network from malicious attacks.

Network Administrator controls access to the information and application on the network. A network administrator creates the user ID and password to the authorized person. Privacy defines both the sender and the receiver expects confidentiality. The transmitted message should be transmitted only to the intended receiver while the message must be opaque for multiple users.

Only the sender and receiver should be able to learn the transmitted message as eavesdroppers can prevent the message. Hence, there is a requirement to encrypt the message so that the message cannot be prevented. This element of confidentiality is generally used to achieve secure communication.

One of the most important uses of networking is to enable the sharing of information. Before networking was common, an accounting employee who required to prepare a document for the manager would have to make it on the PC, put it on a floppy disk, and then walk it over to the manager, who would transfer the data to the PC’s hard disk. (This sort of “shoe-based network” was known as sneakernet.

Updated on: 04-Mar-2022


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