What is a Crimeware?

A "crimeware" is created particularly to target Internet computers (and occasionally mobile devices) and steal their data by using malicious software tactics.

Hackers utilize crimeware, which consists of harmful software (malware), along with other tools, to achieve these goals. The main purposes of crimeware programs are to monitor a victim's screen remotely, steal sensitive data from their computer, and launch denial-ofservice attacks. Crimeware is a common tool used by hackers to steal personal data and seize total control of their targets' machines.

A few years ago, the majority of cyberattacks were carried out with the intention of "sabotage," or the breach and disruption of an organization's computer systems. Crimeware differs from other malware since it is increasingly being utilized as a tool for monetary gain.

Crimeware is distinct because it consists of harmful software (malware) and other tools that hackers employ to achieve their goals.

Through crimeware, criminals employ a variety of techniques, including −

  • Stealing user systems' cached passwords.

  • Installing keyboard recorders to collect information, including login and password details for online bank accounts.

  • Sending a user's web browser to a fake webpage that the thief controls

  • Allowing apps to be accessed remotely, allowing hackers to infiltrate networks.

What Does a Crimeware Actually Do?

Crimeware is malicious software with unique capabilities to cause issues like −

  • Take advantage of man-in-the-middle attacks to steal private information from the victim's PC.

  • Using a distributed denial of service assault (DDoS) to take down a whole network or using a broadcast storm to use up all available bandwidth.

  • Compromise important data, including user credentials, corporate secrets, and financial information. Fraud and identity theft can be committed with this information.

  • Keystrokes, webpages viewed, and user behaviors may all be remotely seen while the victim is using the computer. This might take the form of a remote access Trojan or keylogger.

Types of Crimeware

There are several varieties of crimeware. Here are a few examples of typical crimeware categories −


Programs in this dangerous software can steal your data and transfer the taken information back to a distant server. It has the ability to spread malware to other machines. Spyware frequently disguises itself as a useful utility, like an application that allows you to do Internet searches, but it actually gives thieves access to your private information, bank accounts, and credit card details.


A virus is a piece of harmful software that spreads from computer to computer via emails, shared files, and other channels. Viruses, in contrast to spyware, cannot be uninstalled; they operate continually and spread the infection to other systems.

By spreading through the Internet, a virus can likewise produce effects similar to those of a worm. This has the potential to harm networks and the infected machine in a wider variety of ways.


Another form of malicious software that spreads via the Internet by taking advantage of an operating system flaw is a worm. Worms may harm many different devices, including servers and desktop PCs. They are frequently employed to disseminate other Trojan horses, viruses, spyware, and malware via the Internet.

Trojan Horse

A program known as a "Trojan horse" conceals harmful software while making the user believe it is safe. When a user launches the software, it frequently starts a criminal action, such as copying files or sending data without authorization to another machine. In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves. Therefore, it relies on misleading users into copying or downloading binaries from an unidentified source in the hopes that they are clean and would work as promised.


A Remote Access, A Trojan program, is a piece of malicious software that grants unauthorized remote access to the infected computer and enables attackers to carry out tasks like data theft or keystroke monitoring.

Through the Internet, RATs provide remote access to the victim and control of the victim's machine for the attacker. RATs can be employed to steal private data from infected computers.

Negative Consequences of Crimeware

The following negative impacts of crimeware should make you concerned −

  • Theft of identity

  • Privacy invasion Annoying Pop-ups

  • Theft of Private Data

  • Productivity decline brought on by operating system flaws, system lag, etc.

  • Overexposure to unsolicited advertising, including pop-up windows and spam.

  • Financial losses brought on by password theft for internet businesses.

  • Legal issues caused by other parties using the hacked computer for illegal purposes.

How to Prevent Crimeware Attacks?

The first line of defense is always considered information. Visit reputable security information websites frequently to stay current on the news pertaining to crimeware and its various techniques.

One of the finest methods for defending yourself from crimeware is installing a security solution such as a Firewall, and Antivirus, or an Antispyware. In addition, you can also take the following measures −

  • Use proactive tools that look into the behavior of unknown malware to find it (HIPS, Host-based Intrusion Prevention System).

  • Download and apply security updates for all the apps you've installed.

  • Avoid downloading software from dubious Internet domains.

  • Ensure that any applications you download have been approved by a publication, a government agency, or an antivirus business.

  • Use your antivirus program to scan every email you receive, even if you believe you know who sent it.

  • Pay close attention to any indications of odd activity coming from your machine. This might be a reference to odd Windows warnings, emails from unidentified senders or in other languages, a rise in file sizes, etc.

Examples of Crimeware Attacks

Let's check some examples of Crimeware Attacks −

To encrypt data in exchange for ransom

Cybercrimeware assaults of this kind typically target companies or organizations that handle or use private data, including credit card numbers, personal health information, and intellectual property.

Because criminal hackers employ crimeware to encrypt important data and then demand a corporation pay a ransom to recover its data, these attacks can be very devastating to the victim's business.

Sending a visitor to a fake website

When a person tries to access a real website, malware may drive them to a fake one instead. User accounts for sensitive services like banking, email, or others are frequently impacted by this kind of assault. The aim of the cybercriminal is to get the victim's login credentials or other private information, like credit card numbers and passwords.

Taking over user sessions

Cybercriminals may use a Trojan to remotely access a user's computer through the Internet, depending on the Trojan's capabilities. They can reorganize the bookmarks in the browser or set up a program that prevents browser closure attempts. On a user's computer, a RAT may potentially download malicious software.

Denial-of-Service assaults

Criminals employ these cyber-attacks as a "weapon" to disrupt different services in order to obtain money or further their political agendas. When a cybercriminal seizes control of several "bots," or automated devices, and employs them to send a lot of harmful data in the victim's direction, it is an illustration of a denial-of-service attack. This can overwhelm the victim's server or website's bandwidth.

Updated on: 05-Aug-2022


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