What happen if we concatenate two string literals in C++?

In this section we will see another property of string and string literals. If we want to concatenate two strings in C++, we have to remember some of things.

  • If x + y is the expression of string concatenation, where x and y both are string. Then the result of this expression will be a copy of the character of string x followed by the characters of string y.

  • Either x or y can be a string literal or character, but not both. If both are string literal, they will not be concatenated.

Example Code

using namespace std;
   cout << "Hello " + "World";


The above code will not be compiled because both of the operands
are literals.

Here the left associativity of the operator ‘+’ is returning the error. If one of them is string, then it will work properly.

Example Code

using namespace std;
   string my_str = "Hello ";
   cout << my_str + "World";


Hello World

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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