What does opt mean in Linux

Linux is a popular operating system that is widely used for its open-source nature and flexibility. Linux command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows users to control and manipulate their system. One of most commonly used commands in Linux CLI is "opt." In this article, we will explore what opt means in Linux, and how it can be used to optimize your system.

What is opt in Linux?

The opt command is a command-line option that is used to modify behavior of a command or utility. It is used to specify optional arguments that may or may not be necessary for a particular command to run. opt command can be used in conjunction with other commands and utilities to customize their behavior, making them more efficient and effective.

The syntax of opt command is as follows −

command [option] [argument]

In this syntax, command is name of utility or program you want to run, option is opt command, and argument is any additional parameters or values that may be required by command.

Examples of opt commands in Linux

There are many opt commands that are used in Linux, and they vary depending on utility or program you are using. Here are a few examples of opt commands and how they can be used −

ls command with opt

The ls command is used to list contents of a directory. You can use opt command to modify its behavior. For example, if you want to list all files in current directory, including hidden files, you can use -a option with ls command −

$ ls -a

cat command with opt

The cat command is used to display contents of a file. You can use opt command to modify its behavior. For example, if you want to display line numbers in output, you can use -n option with cat command −

$ cat -n myfile.txt

rm command with opt

The rm command is used to delete files and directories. You can use opt command to modify its behavior. For example, if you want to remove a directory and all its contents recursively, you can use -r option with rm command −

$ rm -r mydir

tar command with opt

The tar command is used to create, list, and extract archives. You can use opt command to modify its behavior. For example, if you want to create a compressed archive, you can use -z option with tar command −

$ tar -czvf myfile.tar.gz mydir

How to use opt in Linux?

Using opt in Linux is easy. To use opt with a command, you simply need to append opt command to end of command, followed by any additional parameters or values. For example, to use -a option with ls command, you would type −

$ ls -a

If you want to use multiple options with a command, you can do so by listing them one after other. For example, to use -n and -v options with ls command, you would type −

$ ls -n -v

Alternatively, you can use shorthand syntax for multiple options by listing them together after a single dash. For example, to use -a, -l, and -h options with ls command, you would type −

$ ls -alh

Opt commands can also be used in scripting to automate certain processes. For example, if you want to create a script that automatically deletes all files in a specific directory that are older than a certain date, you can use opt command in conjunction with find command to accomplish this. Here's an example −

$ find /path/to/directory -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} ;

In this example, we're using find command to search for all files (-type f) in /path/to/directory that are older than 7 days (-mtime +7). We then use -exec option to execute rm command on each of files that match search criteria. {} symbol is a placeholder for file name that is found, and ; symbol is used to terminate command.

Opt commands can also be used in combination with pipes to filter and manipulate data. For example, if you want to search for a specific string in a file, you can use opt command with grep command like this −

$ cat myfile.txt | grep "searchterm"

In this example, we're using cat command to output contents of myfile.txt file, and then using pipe symbol (|) to pass output to grep command. grep command then searches for string "searchterm" in file and returns any lines that contain search term.

Overall, opt command is a powerful tool that can be used to optimize and customize your Linux system. By understanding how to use it and various options available, you can streamline your workflow and improve your productivity. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or a beginner, mastering opt command is an important step in becoming proficient in Linux CLI.


In conclusion, opt is a powerful command that can be used to modify behavior of a command or utility in Linux. It allows users to customize their system to make it more efficient and effective. opt command is used in conjunction with other commands and utilities to specify optional arguments that may or may not be necessary for a particular command to run. By using opt, you can create a more tailored and effective system that meets your specific needs. Understanding how to use opt and various options available can make using Linux CLI much easier and more efficient. With practice and experimentation, you can become proficient in using opt and take control of your Linux system.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023

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