What Does an MBA Syllabus Look Like?

Working professionals and recent college grads often choose an MBA. Why is that? A vast range of specialties, prosperous job options, and the luxurious lifestyle we all desire are all available with an MBA. People from various walks of life enroll in this program to advance their careers. But how can you choose the MBA concentration that's best for you? Before selecting a specialism, you should know your professional aspirations and the MBA course outline of all the available MBA programs that could benefit you.

The MBA curriculum is created to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the many facets of the management industry and how it fits into the corporate world. MBA courses cover various topics, including managerial economics, accounting for management, business communication, information technology management, marketing management, and others. The MBA curriculum strongly emphasizes teaching management and entrepreneurial skills.

What is an MBA?

Master of Business Administration is the world's most widely accepted graduate management degree.

The MBA was the first graduate degree offered by business schools worldwide, and it was first presented in 1908 by Harvard University's Graduate School of Administration (now Harvard Business School).

Employers will notice you more if they see "MBA" on your CV, but the degree's real value extends beyond its three letters on a page. An MBA will improve your career and compensation possibilities while enhancing your professional network and business expertise.

MBA program type

MBA Program Types of students Duration
Full-Time MBA Full Time 1-2 years
Part-Time MBA Working professional 2 + years
Executive MBA Working professional 1-2 years
Online MBA Working professional 2 + years

Syllabus and Curriculum for MBA

The following fundamental areas are covered in the MBA syllabus because an MBA is a generalist business degree −

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Finance

  • Strategy

  • Marketing

  • Operations management

  • Organizational behavior

After establishing a solid foundation in these fundamental business disciplines, you may tailor your MBA degree by selecting electives from various subjects. Additionally, many MBA programs allow students to specialize in many business fields. Here are some of the most common MBA specializations −

  • Finance

  • Consulting

  • Technology

  • Marketing

  • Operations

  • Entrepreneurship

Structure of MBA Courses

An MBA program is frequently separated into core and elective courses. The first several semesters of the MBA program are devoted to core studies. The core curriculum might take up to one academic year, depending on the MBA program.

Following that, students can tailor their MBA program in the second year by selecting electives depending on their post-MBA employment ambitions. Students can also specialize in particular business areas by selecting optional courses and specializations. These specialties act as an effective signalling tool to inform potential employers about your post-MBA career aspirations.

MBA: Why Should You Do It?

It is the most effective solution to advance your career quickly. An individual must possess management abilities and leadership traits to contribute to the organization in various ways. This is because there is fierce competition in both the corporate and employment sectors. Knowing how to run a business will benefit you if you are an expert in a particular industry. An MBA is required for starting a business or changing occupations. Here are a few advantages of obtaining an MBA −

  • Enhancing career possibilities

  • Greater salary

  • Building industry network building management capabilities

  • Develop your leadership skills

  • Global Business and Economic Exposure

  • Development of entrepreneurial skills

The MBA Syllabus Semester-by-Semester

Semester 1
Organizational Behaviour Marketing Management
Quantitative Methods Human Resource Management
Managerial Economics Business Communication
Financial Accounting Information Technology Management
Semester 2
Organization Effectiveness and Change Management Accounting
Management Science Operation Management
Economic Environment of Business Marketing Research
Financial Management Management of Information System
Semester 3
Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Strategic Analysis
Legal Environment of Business Elective Course
Semester 4
Project Study International Business Environment
Strategic Management Elective Course

What are the Top MBA Specializations?

Candidates have the option of pursuing an MBA with a specialization outside of the standard MBA program. Candidates can choose from a wide variety of MBA specializations in India. MBA applicants are advised to select a branch or discipline. This is because doing so will better prepare them with the necessary abilities for careers in finance, operations, human resources, sales, and marketing, to mention a few. MBA specializations include the following −

MBA in HR syllabus

The disciplines related to management and recruiting are the primary emphasis of the MBA human resource curriculum, which also serves to mentor students in this field. The crucial topics are human resource management, strategic management, entrepreneurial education, human capital management, and HR audits.

MBA in marketing syllabus

The MBA Marketing curriculum emphasizes topics related to marketing and business management. Core and optional subjects are separated in the MBA Marketing program. Among the critical issues are marketing, total quality management, strategic management, and international business.

MBA in finance syllabus

The MBA Financial curriculum emphasizes business and finance management concepts. The course is divided into mandatory and optional topics. Corporate management, company law, economics, and financial modelling are crucial issues.

MBA in banking syllabus

The MBA Banking curriculum emphasizes topics related to corporate management and banking. Core and optional subjects make up the course. The crucial issues are economics, business communication, corporate governance, and banking.

MBA in digital marketing syllabus

The MBA Digital Marketing curriculum combines business management and digital marketing concepts to develop innovative and successful marketing strategies. The optional and core topics of the MBA Digital Marketing program are separated. Digital marketing, interactive marketing, and financial statement analysis are crucial topics.

MBA Teaching Techniques and Methods

An MBA program focuses on entrepreneurship, managerial concepts, and effective lead generation. Students receive instruction on analyzing market trends, establishing effective strategies, and strategizing them. Micro projects and action-based learning techniques are all included in the teaching style. The research project for their senior year encourages them to develop their analytical capabilities further and creatively adapt to the demands of the commercial world. The following are a few examples of instructional methods and techniques −

  • Research case

  • Workshops

  • Group initiatives

  • Little projects

  • Sessions in practice

It's time to move forward and submit an application now that you know what an MBA is and how it may advance your career. You'll need to research to find the business school that perfectly suits your personality, areas of interest, and professional ambitions. The MBA application process demands tenacity.

Updated on: 31-Oct-2022


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