What do you mean by disease symptoms? Explain by giving two examples.

A disease is an abnormal state affecting a living entity. It disrupts the structural or functional equilibrium of an organism. The condition is marked by a variety of indications and symptoms.
A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism's structural or functional status. The disease is typically accompanied by a variety of symptoms. A person who is afflicted with a sickness typically displays indications or symptoms that reflect an abnormal condition of that individual.

As a result of the aberrant functioning of organs or the malfunctioning of one or more of the body's systems, abnormal visual manifestations of the disease can be identified as symptoms. The existence of a certain disease is indicated by the symptoms.

Symptoms can be understood as indicators of sickness. Symptoms come in three varieties:
1) Remitting symptoms: When symptoms improve or entirely disappear. Symptoms of the common cold, for instance, may persist for many days before resolving without therapy.
2) Chronic symptoms: Symptoms that persist or reoccur. It is frequently observed in diabetes, asthma, and cancer.
3) Relapsing symptoms are those that have happened in the past, been treated, and subsequently reappeared. Symptoms of depression, for instance, may not manifest for years before reappearing.

Here are two instances of symptoms: The signs of chickenpox are lesions on the skin, and chest congestion is an indication of a lung infection. During the examination of a patient, a sign is any objective proof of an illness that can be noticed by others, such as a physician, nurse, or medical instrument.

Updated on: 05-Jan-2023


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