What are the various literary devices used in English Literature?

Literary Devices are the peculiar structures used by writers in their works in order to convey their messages in a simple manner to the readers.

The various literary devices used in English Literature are

Alliteration, Analogy, Allegory, Anaphora, Metaphor, Simile, Aphorism, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia, Eulogy, Elegy, and others.

  • Alliteration: It is the device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant sound, occur close together in a series.Example- He had a haunting hat.

  • Analogy: It is the comparison of an idea or a thing with another. Metaphors and similes are used to draw analogies. A metaphor is an implied comparison while a simile is a direct comparison using the words “like” or “As”. Example- Her cheeks are like roses.

  • Anaphora: Repetition of a phrase or a word leads to the understanding of anaphora. Example- All that wealth, All that power.

  • Aphorism: Aphoristic statements refer to the wisdom-filled statements and speeches often given by the poets in their poems or the essayist in their prose piece. Francis Bacon often used such witty aphoristic statements.

  • Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which nearly contradictory terms appear in conjunction. Example: Beautiful death.

  • Onomatopoeia: It means the imitation of the sound. Example: The rustling of leaves.

  • Eulogy: It is used to praise somebody or something, especially when one is dead.

  • Elegy: It is a song or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses the loss of a family member or a loved person. Example- Elegy Written In the Country Churchyard.

  • Conceit: It is a device in which two vastly different objects are linked together. Example: Motion in the mill is busy standing still.

  • Hyperbole: It involves an exaggeration of ideas. Example- The mistress’ eyes are lustrous as the sun.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019

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