What are the types of web services in information security?

Web service is a regulated channel to propagate communication between the client and server applications on the WWW (World Wide Web). A web service is a software structure that is designed to implement a certain set of tasks.

In web service, it is a standardized method of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol determination. XML can be used to tag the data, SOAP can be used to transfer the data. WSDL is used for defining the services available and UDDI is used for listing what services are accessible.

There are the following types of web services which are as follows −

RESTful Web Services − REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. It is developed by Roy Thomas Fielding who also created HTTP. The objective of RESTful web services is to make web services more effective. RESTful web services try to define services using the multiple concepts that are already present in HTTP.

It does not represent the standard message exchange format. It can build REST services with both XML and JSON. JSON is famous format with REST. The key abstraction is a resource in REST. A resource can be anything and it can be created through a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

SOAP Web Services − SOAP represented as Simple Object Access Protocol. This web service protocol network structured data using XML and frequently HTTP and SMTP for transmission. SOAP also uses WSDL (Web Services Description Language) files to distribute a web service description model. This defines how the SOAP requests (client-side) and responses (server-side) should appear. Moreover, SOAP web Services have standards for security and addressing.

For example, it is requested to access the Todo application from the Facebook application. The Facebook application sends an XML request to the Todo application. Todo application processes the request and creates the XML response and sends back to the Facebook application.

In the SOAP web services, the SOAP-Envelope includes a SOAP-Header and SOAPBody. It includes meta-information needed to identify the request, such as authentication, authorization, signature, etc. SOAP-Header is optional. The SOAPBody includes the real XML content of request or response. In case of an error, the response server responds back with SOAP-Fault.

XML-RPC − RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. It is the most basic XML protocol to exchange data between a multiple devices on a network. It uses HTTP to rapidly and easily share data and communication other information from client to server.

UDDI − UDDI stands for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration. It is an XMLbased standard for detailing, publishing, and discovering web services. It is essentially an internet registry for businesses around the world. The objective is to streamline digital transactions and ecommerce between company systems.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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