What are the Types of NFTs you need to know about?

What are NFTs?

The ERC-721 standard was the precursor to NFTs. The ERC-721 smart contract standard, created by some of the same individuals who created the ERC-20 smart contract, outlines the minimal interface—ownership information, security, and metadata—needed for the trading and distributing of gaming tokens. The ERC-1155 standard expands on the idea by batching many non-fungible token types into a single contract and lowering the transaction and storage costs necessary for NFTs.

NFTs have a variety of potential applications. For instance, they are the perfect means of digitally representing tangible things like real estate and art. NFTs, based on blockchains, can also be used for identity management or to cut out middlemen and link artists with audiences. NFTs can eliminate middlemen, streamline transactions, and open up new markets.

NFTs in the Real World and the Internet

Through the fractionalization of tangible assets like real estate, NFTs can also democratize investing. A digital real estate asset can be divided between numerous owners far more quickly than a physical one. This ethic of tokenization need not be limited to real estate; it can also apply to other assets, such as works of art. So a painting doesn't necessarily need to have just one owner. Instead, the digital version's numerous owners, each in charge of a portion of the painting, are possible. Such agreements might raise its value and revenue.

The Different NFT Types

The concept of an NFT is still somewhat broad because, in theory, anything can be an NFT. Here are some of the more popular and logical NFTs currently available.


The most widely used type of NFT is art. Because of this, art is also the NFT kind with the highest sales. When NFTs were created, artists had a fantastic opportunity to sell their finest pieces virtually, as if they were tangible works of art. As a result, many of the costliest NFTs available right now are art pieces. For example, the most expensive NFT ever sold, according to Luno, is "EVERYDAY'S: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS" by well-known artist Beeple. The astounding price of this piece was $69 million.


The NFT spectrum places music highly as well. Since it is produced and delivered on records, cassettes, CDs, and digitally, music has long been a fungible good. However, DJs and artists make millions of dollars in a matter of hours by selling their work as NFTs.

Because of concessions made by record labels and streaming platforms, musicians often only keep a small portion of the revenue generated by their music. NFTs allow musicians to retain nearly all the proceeds, which is why so many choose this strategy.

Cards and other collectibles

NFTs might be compared to online trading cards. We are all aware of the thousands of dollars spent on limited-edition baseball cards, and the NFT market isn't any different. Trading card virtual replicas are available for purchase and trading, and they can be kept much like genuine trading cards. And some of them sell for more than a million dollars, just like the genuine thing. On the NFT market, businesses can sell various collectibles in addition to trading cards. You may put anything on the market if you can classify it as collectible.


You can buy and sell memes on the NFT market just when you thought the internet couldn't possibly offer any more fascinating content. What's interesting is that occasionally the person depicted in the meme is the real merchant. The list includes some of the more well-known memes that have made between $30,000 and $770,000, including Nyan Cat, Bad Luck Brian, Disaster Girl, and others. So far, the Doge meme, which sold for an astounding $4 million, has been the most valued meme sold through NFT.

Major sporting events

NFTs provide memorable sports moments which don't have a physical counterpart. Instead, these are brief vignettes of historical sports events, such as game-changing touchdowns or ground-breaking slam dunks. These videos, which might last as little as ten seconds, can fetch more than $200,000.

Domain Names

The NFT craze can also spread to domain names. This benefit is that you can register a domain name and sell it on the NFT market. You typically have to pay a third-party business to administer your domain name. You can avoid the middlemen by purchasing one on the NFT market and claiming exclusive name ownership.

Online Fashion

Why should fashion be different when everything else is virtual on the NFT market? You can spend a lot of money on a flashy bikini, but you won't be able to wear it. So people who purchase fashion NFTs will instead dress up online avatars.

It might sound absurd, but remember that someone on the earth paid $4 million to acquire the Doge meme. A virtual handbag or necklace is unquestionably something that more lavish and stylish people own. Of course, there will only be a few numbers of each, each with a special design.

What Causes NFTs to Gain Popularity?

NFTs have been present since 2015, but their popularity has recently increased for several reasons. The enthusiasm and normalcy of cryptocurrencies and the underlying blockchain frameworks come first and are likely the most evident development. The intersection of fandom, royalty economics, and scarcity rules goes beyond technology. Every consumer wants to take advantage of the chance to own distinctive digital content and even hold it as a form of investment. The material is transferred to the purchaser of a non-fungible token, yet it continues circulating online. An NFT can become more well-known since its value increases with web visibility. When the item is sold, the platform keeps a tiny portion of the proceeds, the current owner receives the remainder, and the original inventor receives a 10% piece. As a result, popular digital assets have the potential to provide recurring income as they are bought and sold over time.

Updated on: 12-Dec-2022


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