What are the types of Encryption in Information Security?

Encryption is a procedure of coding data which can be a file or mail message into cipher text a form unreadable without a decoding key in order to avoid anyone except the pre-determined receiver from reading that information.

Decryption is the reverse procedure of transforming encrypted data to its original unencoded form, plaintext. A key in cryptography is a large order of bits used by encryption/ decryption algorithms.

In encryption, it is based on the type of encryption, information can be displayed as several numbers, letters, or symbols. Those who work in cryptography fields create it their job, to encrypt data or to divide codes to receive encrypted data.

A router, server, end system, or dedicated device can develop as an encryption or decryption device. Data that is encrypted is known as ciphered data (or simply encrypted information). Data that is not encrypted is known as plain text or clear text.

There are various types of encryption which are as follows −

Manual Encryption − Manual encryption is a type that includes the use of encryption software. These are computer programs that encrypt several bits of data digitally.

Manual encryption includes the user's participation thoroughly. The files need to encrypt are selected, and thus an encryption type is selected from a list that the security system supports.

Transparent Encryption − Transparent encryption is a computer software encryption. It can be login onto a computer to encode everything necessarily.

One of the foremost secure types of encryption available because it doesn't leave anything that can be forgotten when utilizing manual encryption. Each executable application and file generated in the computer has an encrypted copy that can withstand power surges and secure data in case a computer is stolen.

Symmetric Encryption − All encryption is completed via a computer software program. It can be simply encrypted information. One of the simplest method to do this is through symmetric encryption.

Therefore, a letter or number correspond with another letter or number in the encryption code. It can take any written text and substitute letters and numbers for their coded match, therefore encrypting the text.

Asymmetric Encryption − Asymmetric encryption is a secure and simple method that can be used to encrypt data that it will be receiving. It is generally completed electronically. A public key is given out to whomever it is required or posted somewhere for the public to view.

They can encrypt information utilizing the key and send it to us. This is often completed when writing emails. This can define encrypt the information with the public key, it can only be read again by whomever the secret key has.

Updated on: 15-Mar-2022


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