What are the techniques of data Encryption?

There are some techniques of Data Encryption are as follows −

DES − DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. The Data Encryption Standards (DES) algorithm was invented by IBM in the early 1970s. It accepts the plaintext in 64-bit blocks and transform it into the ciphertext that need the 64-bit keys to encrypt the information. The algorithm need the same key to encrypt and decrypt the information.

DES is a symmetric key algorithm can encrypt digital data. Its short key length of 56 bits renders DES too insecure to secure most current applications that is based on encryption.

Triple DES − Triple DES is also called a TDES. It is a symmetric key block cipher, defining that the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt information in fixed-length groups of bits known as blocks. It is known as "Triple DES" because it uses the DES cipher three times when encrypting information.

RSA − RSA stands for Rivest–Shamir–Adleman. It is termed for the three computer scientists who produced it to encrypt information in transit in 1977. This public-key encryption cryptosystem is between the most generally adopted modes of asymmetric cryptography, in part because of its key length.

RSA’s public key is based on three values such as two very large prime numbers and one other number that combine to protect the information in transit.

AES − AES is a new cryptographic algorithm that can be used to secure digital information. Particularly, AES is an iterative, symmetric-key block cipher that can need keys of 128, 192, and 256 bits, and encrypts and decrypts information in blocks of 128 bits (16 bytes).

A Public-key ciphers can use a set of keys, symmetric key ciphers use the similar key to encrypt and decrypt information. The new AES will certainly develop into the de facto standard for encrypting all forms of electronic data, restoring DES.

AES-encrypted information is unbreakable in the sense that known cryptanalysis attack can decrypt the AES cipher text without utilizing a brute-force search through all available 256 bit keys.

TwoFish − TwoFish is used in both software and hardware applications, uses keys up to 256 bits in length yet is between the quickest encryption algorithms. This symmetric cipher is also complimentary and unpatented.

Encryption and SSL − Secure sockets layer (SSL) is a feature of most valid websites, encrypts information in transit, but not at rest. Data must be encrypted as it is written to disk for some amount of time, despite the need of SSL technology.

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) − End-to-end encryption define systems in which only the two users connecting, who both possess keys, can decrypt the communication. This contains the service provider who cannot access end to end encrypted information.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2022


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