What are the signs of a malware attack on an iPhone?

iPhones are often boasted on their security against malware. We often consider it to be a foolproof system. Does Viruses attack iPhones? They do, but it's a very rare event. Instead of a virus, you're more likely to encounter misbehaving advertising in an app you often use, triggering behavior aimed to persuade you that iOS is infected and that you need to download another app to fix it, or sending you to a dubious web page or malicious software on the App Store. Essentially, a device holds a lot of personal data, and if your iPhone becomes infected, your data may be compromised.

Malware does exist on the iPhone, and if you are certain that your device is acting strangely, you should examine it for viruses or malware. If you're wondering how to check your iPhone for viruses or malware, use the techniques listed below.

Signs of Malware Attack

  • Battery Performance − It's good to have a notion of how much battery you use on a monthly basis. This is because, much like a drop in gas mileage, an increase in battery consumption might suggest a problem. If your iPhone's battery use suddenly increases, it might be a sign that malware is consuming data in the background.

  • Check if iPhone is jailbroken − Many of the iPhone's built-in security measures are removed when it is jailbroken, making it exposed to unauthorized software installs. If you bought the iPhone from someone else, it's possible that they jailbroke it and installed harmful software on it. To see if it's jailbroken, follow these steps −

    • Step 1 − Go to your device's search bar.

    • Step 2 − In the search field, type Cydia and press Enter. Your iPhone has been jailbroken if the app "Cydia" displays in the search results.

  • Application crash − Apps may crash from time to time, but this should be an uncommon event. If one or more of your apps keeps crashing, check sure they're all up to date. If an app continues crashing, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it. If one or more programs continue to fail, malware might be at fault.

  • Unknown Apps − Because harmful programs resemble legitimate apps, you should be extra cautious while scanning for unfamiliar apps.

  • Pop-up ads in Safari − When using Safari on your iPhone, you may see a lot of pop-ups, but this isn't always a sign of malware. Check that pop-up are banned in your Settings, then check whether the problem goes away. If pop-ups continue to appear with the same frequency, you may have a problem.

  • Unexplained extra charges − Viruses operate in the background, communicating with the internet using your data. Check your billing account to see if there has been an increase in data consumption or if you are suddenly being charged for sending SMS texts to premium lines.

  • Overheating − Again, many factors may cause your iPhone to overheat (a bad battery is frequently the issue), but it might also be due to a virus in rare situations.

Updated on: 07-Feb-2022


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