What are the services of Standard Reporting?

Standard reporting provides the ability to create production style fixed-format reports that have limited user interaction, a broad audience, and regular execution schedules. The application templates are essentially a casual kind of standard report.

At the formal end of the spectrum, large standard reporting systems tend to surface when the ERP system cannot handle the workload of operational transactions and reporting. Full-scale standard reporting is a big job that involves its own set of requirements and services. In this case, there should be a standard reporting project solely responsible for managing this effort.

There is the various requirement for standard reporting tools are as follows −

Report development environment − This should include most of the ad hoc tool functionality and usability.

Report execution server − The report execution server offloads running the documents and phrase them for delivery, either as finished documents in a file system or a custom document cache.

Parameter- or variable-driven capabilities − For example, you can change the Region name in one parameter and have an entire set of reports run based on that new parameter value.

Time- and event-based scheduling of report execution − A report can be scheduled to run at a particular time of day or after a value in some database table has been updated.

Iterative execution − It can provide a list of regions and create the same report for each region. Each report can be an independent file e-mailed to each regional controller. This is the same as the concept of a report element or page break, where each time a new value of a given column is undergone, the document starts over on a new page with new subtotals, except it makes independent files.

Flexible report definitions − These should involve compound file design (graphs and tables on a similar page) and complete pivot possibilities for tables.

User accessible publish and subscribe − Users must be able to create reports they created available to their departments or the entire organization. Similarly, they must be able to subscribe to reports others have to create and receive copies or notifications whenever the document is refreshed or upgraded.

Report link − This is a technique for providing drill-down. If you have pre-run reports for all the departments in a division, you should be able to click on a department name in the division summary report and have the department detail report show up.

Report library with browsing capability − This is a type of metadata reference that defines every report in the library, when it was run, and what its content is. A user interface is supported that enables the user to search the library using multiple criteria.

Report environment administration tools − The administrator should be able to schedule, monitor, and troubleshoot report problems from the administrator’s module. This also involves the capacity to monitor usage and weed out unutilized files.

Updated on: 09-Feb-2022


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