What are the scientific reasons behind daily rituals followed by a married woman?

India is known for its variable culture and rituals. Out of multiple, there are many rituals which are very specific and has to be followed by only a married woman. Well, each and every ritual has its own scientific values and benefits, but because it has started with some religious reasons, all rituals and customs have become a tradition today.

Let's explore the very basic traditions and rituals which are being followed by almost every married woman in India and the scientific reasons behind each one.

Sindoor or Vermillion

Other than considering as a demarcation between married and unmarried women, it has some beneficial properties as well. Sindoor is made up of turmeric-lime, metal mercury and sandalwood, which is good for controlling blood pressure, activates the sexual drive, and also removes stress and strain by keeping the head cool. This is the reason it should be applied right up to the pituitary gland.


Wearing bangles causes constant friction in the wrist part and increases the blood circulation level. Hence, the electricity passing out through the outer skin is again reverted to one's own body because of the ring-shaped bangles in the wrist.


A mangalsutra is tied by a woman in her neck, also known as the biggest sign of a married woman. It has ideally black beads which are known for the energy of knowledge and positivity.

Toe Rings

Normally, Indian women wear toe rings on her second toe. A particular nerve here, is connected to the uterus and passes to heart. Hence, wearing a toe ring on this toe strengthens the uterus, keep this healthy by regulating the blood flow to it and delivers a regular menstrual cycle.

Kumkum or Tilak

On the forehead, the spot between the two eyebrows is considered as a major nerve point in a human body since ancient times. Women put kumkum or tilak to prevent the loss of "energy", and enhances the various levels of concentration. While applying kumkum, this point is automatically pressed which facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles and gives a glow to the face.

Piercing ears

Piercing ears is known for helping the development of intellect, the power of thinking and decision making faculties. This also helps in speech-restraint and to reduce impertinent behavior and the ear-channels become free from disorders as well. This is the reason that even Indian Kings in old days used to have pierced ears.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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