What are the rules for private methods in an interface in Java 9?

Java 9 added a new feature of private methods to an interface. The private methods can be defined using a private modifier. We can add both private and private static methods in an interface from Java 9 onwards.

Rules for private methods in an interface:

  • A private method has a body in an interface means that we can’t be declared as a normal abstract method as usually do in an interface. If we are trying to declare a private method without a body then it can throw an error says that "This method requires a body instead of a semicolon".
  • We can't be used both private and abstract modifiers together in an interface.
  • If we want to access a private method from a static method in an interface then that method can be declared as a private static method as we can’t make a static reference to the non-static method.
  • A private static method used from a non-static context means that it can be invoked from a default method in an interface.


interface <interface-name> {
   private methodName(parameters) {
      // some statements


interface TestInterface {
   default void methodOne() {
      System.out.println("This is a Default method One...");
      printValues(); // calling a private method
   default void methodTwo() {
      System.out.println("This is a Default method Two...");
      printValues(); // calling private method...
   private void printValues() { // private method in an interface
      System.out.println("methodOne() called");
      System.out.println("methodTwo() called");
public class PrivateMethodInterfaceTest implements TestInterface {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      TestInterface instance = new PrivateMethodInterfaceTest();


This is a Default method One...
methodOne() called
methodTwo() called
This is a Default method Two...
methodOne() called
methodTwo() called

Updated on: 21-Feb-2020


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