What are the rules for local and global variables in Python?

Scope of Variables in Python are of two types: local and global. Scope is defined as the accessibility of a variable in a region. Let us first understand both local and global scope before moving towards the rules.

Local Scope


This defines the local scope of a variable i.e. it can be accessed only in the function where it is defined. No access for a variable with local scope outside the function. Let’s see an example −

# Variable with local scope can only be access inside the function def example(): i = 5 print(i) # An error is thrown if the variabke with local scope # is accessed outside the function # print(i) # Calling the example() function example()



Global Scope


If a variable is accessible from anywhere i.e. inside and even outside the function, it is called a Global Scope. Let’s see an example −

# Variable i = 10 # Function def example(): print(i) print(i) # The same variable accessible outside the function # Calling the example() function example() # The same variable accessible outside print(i)



Rules for local and global variable

Following are the rules −

  • Variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global.

  • If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global.

  • Variable with a local scope can be accessed only in the function where it is defined.

  • Variable with Global Scope can be accessed inside and outside the function.

Updated on: 16-Sep-2022

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