What are the requirement of Steganography?

Steganography is the art of concealing the fact that connection is taking place, by hiding data in other information. Some different carrier file structure can be used, but digital images are the important because of their frequency on the computer network.

For concealing private data in images, there exists a huge method of steganographic approaches some are more difficult than others and some have specific powerful and weak points.

There are several applications have multiple requirements of the steganography methods used. For instance, there are some software can needed absolute invisibility of the hidden information, while others needed a higher secret message to be hidden.

There are some requirement of steganography which are as follows −

Invisibility − The invisibility of a steganographic algorithm is the first and order condition, because the strength of steganography lies in its ability to be unseen by the human eye. The point is that one can view that an image has been tampered with, the algorithm is negotiated.

Payload capacity − Unlike watermarking, which required to embed only a small amount of copyright information, steganography objective at secret connection and thus needed adequate installing capacity.

Robustness against statistical attacks − Statistical steganalysis is the procedure of identifying secret data by utilizing statistical tests on image information. There are some steganographic algorithms leave a ‘signature’ when embedding data that can be simply identified through statistical analysis.

It can be able to pass by a warden without being identified, a steganographic algorithm should not leave such a mark in the image as be statistically important.

Robustness against image manipulation − In the connection of a stego image through trusted systems, the image can view transform by an active warden in an attempt to eliminate hidden information.

In Image manipulation, it includes cropping or rotating can be implemented on the image before it reaches its destination. It is based on the manner in which the message is embedded, these manipulations can demolish the hidden message.

It is desirable for steganographic algorithms to be powerful against either malicious or random changes to the image.

Independent of file format − With some different image file formats used on the Internet, it can seem suspicious that only one type of file format is always connected between two parties.

The strong steganographic algorithms thus acquire the ability to embed data in any type of file. This also solves the issue of not always being able to discover a proper image at the right moment, in the right format to help as a cover image.

Unsuspicious files − This condition include some characteristics of a steganographic algorithm that can result in images that are not used generally and can generate suspicion. Abnormal file size, for example, is one feature of an image that can result in more investigation of the image by a warden.

Updated on: 11-Mar-2022


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