What are the requirement of data staging?

There are various requirements of data staging which are as follows −

Productivity support − Any system it is decide to implement needs to support basic development environment capabilities such as code library management check-in/check-out, version control, and production and development system constructs. Initially, and for smaller projects, these can be implemented through a standards document, a process description, and a set of standard directories.

Usability − The data staging system also must be as usable as possible, given the underlying complexity of the task. In the last few years, this has translated into a graphical user interface. A good interface can reduce learning time, speed development, and be self-documenting (to a degree).

System documentation is another part of usability. The data staging system is required to support a way for developers to simply capture data about the processes that they are creating. This metadata should go into the information catalog and be easily accessible to the team and the users as necessary.

Metadata-driven − One of the most important characteristics of the services that support the data staging process is that they should be metadata-driven. By this, we mean they should draw from a database of information about the tables, columns, jobs, and so on needed to create and maintain the warehouse rather than embed this information in COBOL or SQL code, where it is almost impossible to find and change.

It is becoming less common for the backroom processes to use hard-coded data management services. Today most warehouses take benefit of device that automate the warehouse development phase in some method, even if it define using daemons, scripts, and CRONTAB to record the nightly loads. This move toward metadata-based processes is driven, at least in part, by the overall push toward nightly (or more frequent) loads.

Metadata can play an active or passive act in the data warehouse; it can provide as documentation for the contents and method of the warehouse, and it can precisely serve as the instruction set for those phase. The documentation role is valuable because it is the most effective way to educate someone on the contents of the warehouse and how it works. This is important both for new members of the team and for new users of the warehouse.

Documentation is always the neglected stepchild of the information systems project. However, if metadata is an active part of the process itself, it must be created and captured; otherwise, the process won’t work. This example shows how metadata can drive the data staging process.

Updated on: 09-Feb-2022


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