What are the Pros and Cons of JavaScript Frameworks?

JavaScript has become the most widely used language in the field of web development in a relatively short span of time. For the last 25 years, the JavaScript frameworks have been driving web development

In this article, we are going to elaborate upon the uses of JavaScript frameworks along with their pros and cons. These JavaScript frameworks empower the language to achieve its best with minimal to no configuration. JavaScript can be used as both the frontend and backend technologies.

JavaScript Frameworks

These are the frameworks that provide the basic platform for constructing the JavaScript app for developers. This saves the developers most of the basic work to start with and helps indirectly starting with the functional basis to get the things going on from scratch. The base includes a set of code libraries that helps in creating the instance of JavaScript.

Also, these libraries are always compiling the code for the specific application type to be worked upon. The framework will essentially determine the structure of the program and how will it work. JavaScript is a firm choice for the overall development of the webpage.

Following are some of the top JavaScript frameworks that are used nowadays −

  • AngularJS
  • VueJS
  • EmberJS
  • NodeJS
  • Meteor
  • Mithril
  • Polymer
  • React Native
  • NextJS
  • Aurelia and many more...

Uses of JavaScript Programming languages

JavaScript is object-driven and is mainly used for the scripting of the webpages. Today JavaScript is used by the top leading companies. It provides the interpretation and comprehensive language of programming. When applied to an HTML document, JavaScript enables the webpage ability to allow dynamic websites interactivity.

JavaScript also enables the users to create the modern-day web applications along with reloading the page. It provides an ease to control the page in any way the user wants. JavaScript is often used for refreshing a DOM API and the user interface by changing the real HTML and CSS content dynamically. It is used extensively in online applications.

Following are some of the use cases of JavaScript −

Web Applications: It provides the modern day-to-day development of browsers. JavaScript is becoming more popular along with the upcoming new and strong demand for web applications. Google Maps are one such example of JavaScript that can comprehend this. The user can click and drag the mouse with maps, hover over the details, and many other things provided by JavaScript.

Web Development: Along with Desktop web applications, we also have the web development provided by JavaScript. Take for example any modern-day website including Facebook, Google, etc. Every website uses JavaScript for the majority control of its web pages.

Mobile Applications: In the new era of mobile applications, JavaScript is used extensively. They provide the majority user experience to the user along with making the app seamless. It is a robust tool used for designing mobile applications through features and the use of JavaScript. The JavaScript framework is frequently employed in the creation of mobile apps. We can design mobile apps using any type of OS beneath and JavaScript will work upon it.

Games: The new era of games is also supported by modern-day technology i.e. JavaScript. It has different game-building libraries and frameworks. We have many JavaScript engines like PhysicsJS and PixiJS that enables the developers to create and build games. The WebGL support provided by the JavaScript APIs helps in rendering the 2D and 3D images of the web browsers.

Presentations: JavaScript also helps in enabling the new dynamic web presentations. These web-based slide decks use the RevealJS and BespokeJS which provides easier access to operate and create the presentations. They make the presentations more interactive and elegant. These lectures function efficiently with mobile devices and tablets also.

Now, let’s see the pros and cons of using the modern-day JavaScript frameworks −


Pros −

  • It provides the data synchronization between the model and the view.

  • We can instantly see the model changes in this framework.

  • Using Directives -It provides the developers the power to use functions, and create directives that can be customized.

  • Dependency Injection - This is a mechanism that lets the software use components which might be dependent on each other.

  • It makes it easier to manage and better to use the application.

  • Since it is built on the MVVM structure, it allows the user to separate the data from the


  • Devices should have JavaScript support to use Angular.

  • There are several decisions that do not support JavaScript

  • Developer should have complete knowledge of MVC architecture

  • It has a potential scalability issue when the app becomes large.



  • The framework uses HTML templates.

  • The data is combined with the DOM elements.

  • The data can travel two ways.

  • This allows faster communication to the HTML blocks.

  • The framework has a high reactivity level.


  • The over-flexibility in this framework overcomplicates the project.

  • It does not have good support.

  • It also does not have too many updates with the latest tech.



  • This framework comes enabled with the Ember-CLI, it’s a command-line that supports the usage of multiple tools like SASS and CoffeeScript.

  • It provides multiple template support for good looking user interfaces,

  • It is also an inspector that allows the developers to inspect objects with easier debugging.


  • The learning curve for EmberJS is steep.

  • It has a lack of resources and tutorials.

  • It is not suitable for big projects.



  • It is a high-performance framework that works on a V8 JavaScript engine.

  • The code is executed easily and quickly.

  • It is very suitable for large web applications.

  • It can be used for both frontend as well as backend development,

  • It can easily integrate with other frameworks also.


  • The platform does not have a stable API.

  • Third-party integrations are poor and do not works fine.

We also want to discuss the pros and cons of a very important JavaScript library: React JS



  • It supports count with virtual DOM.

  • It transforms the real DOM into a virtual one.

  • It allows the developers to execute code faster and makes the user interface better.

  • The data is unidirectional i.e. the data can only flow one way.

  • Child elements do not affect the parent elements.

  • It allows reusing the code components, allowing developers to create companies that don’t have to be built multiple times.


  • The react documentation is hard to understand.

  • The learning curve of React is steep i.e. it is not easy to learn and understand.

Updated on: 28-Apr-2022


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