What are the principles of Information Privacy?

There are several Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) which cover the whole life cycle of information from compilation and managing to storage and removal. The IPPs direct how this Department should handle personal data. It is required to be maximize our practices in line with the IPPs and beside our specific work context to deciding whether current practice requirements to change. This process can need the balancing of privacy with challenging interest and governmental needs.

  • Collection − It can gather only personal information that is needed for the implementation of an agency’s purposes or activities. The personal information should be composed lawfully, accurately and not intrusively.

  • Use and Disclosure − Use and disclose personal information simply for the main goals for which it was composed or a related reason the person would sensible expect. Use for some specific secondary goals without approval is allowed.

    This principle positions limits on the use of personal data for secondary reasons. Simply, use for an unconnected secondary objective or one that the person cannot expect should only appear with the person’s approval or if a powerful public interest needs it.

  • Data Quality − It provide that the personal information is −

    • Accurate
    • Complete
    • Up to date
    • Principle
  • An agency should take sensible steps to make sure that the personal information it assemble uses or discloses is accurate, absolute and up to date.

  • Data Security − It can take sensible process to defend personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or revelation. This principle contains the following −

    • An agency should take sensible steps to defend the personal information it holds from mistreatment and loss and from unauthorized access, alteration or revelation.

    • An agency must take sensible steps to destroy or enduringly de-identify personal information if it is no longer required for any reason.

  • Access and Correction − Individuals have a right to search for access to their personal information and create modification. Access and correction is generally handled under the provisions of the Information Act. It is essential to discriminate freedom of information from information privacy.

  • Anonymity − This is a principle as government agencies change into the digital background where it can leave digital traces of where it is been, what it can have acquired, who it had contact with and what our favourites are.

    This principle includes the following −

    • If an agency considers carefully concerning the anonymity principle, it gathers less personal information and that creates complying with the IPPs that much easier.

    • An agency should give individual entering transactions with the organization the option of not recognizing themselves, unless it is needed by law or it is not practicable that the individual is not recognized.

Updated on: 08-Mar-2022


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