What are the prerequisites of the seaborn library?

Seaborn library is used to create the visualization of plots. This library uses the matplotlib library to visualize the plots. It has high visualization API. To work with the seaborn library we should have knowledge the below mentioned aspects.

Technical knowledge

We should have basic knowledge about computer programming and terminology. The basic knowledge of coding and computer operating skills are necessary to work with seaborn.

Knowledge on Python Programming:

The first and foremost important knowledge that we should have to work with the seaborn library is Python language.

  • Python is one of the most trending languages in present days. It is high level programming language and used for web development, software development, mathematics, scripting languages. By using python language, we can easily develop the code without any complexity and the only important rule it follows is indentation. It doesn't have the semicolon after completion of the line but mainly relies on the indentation.

  • There are different versions available in python based on our requirement and machine compatibility we have to choose. Based on the versions some features and functions will vary.

  • Python can be used in different platforms like windows, Linux, macos, Raspberry Pi. The syntax of python programming is just like our English language. Python is one of the programming languages which the seaborn library uses.

The coding part of the seaborn library is in python

Knowledge on Matplotlib Library

Seaborn uses the matplotlib library for plotting the plots. So we should have the     knowledge of Matplotlib library to work with the Seaborn Library. The matplotlib library is also one of the libraries of the python.

This is used to draw the plots as same as the seaborn library but with lesser features. The data analysis can be done using this matplotlib library. To work with the matplotlib library we have to use the import method in python along with the library name. The knowledge of the matplotlib library helps us to understand the seaborn library in a better way for plotting the plots.

Knowledge on Numpy library

Numpy library is other library of the python language. To work with Seaborn we should also have knowledge on the Numpy library.

Numpy library is used to create the arrays in different dimensions and we can do all the statistical and mathematical operations using it. The data analysis using the matrix format can be done using the Numpy library along with the seaborn library. 

Knowledge on Pandas library

The other library in python is Pandas. To work and analyze the Data sets we use the pandas library along with the seaborn library which analyze the data by plotting for better understanding.

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023


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