What are the Must-Have CRM Features?

CRM software is a method for managing a company's interactions with present and future customers. It uses data analysis of prior encounters with customers to improve customer relationships, with a specific focus on client retention and, eventually, revenue development.

It is critical for businesses to keep track of their prospects before and after they become actual clients. Any minor element that goes unnoticed or untracked might contribute to client retention failure. A CRM system should be intelligent enough to notify the organization about the customer's data and status, as well as easy enough to grasp at a glance. A CRM system should be able to manage people and processes, as well as have a thorough grasp of the customer's business.

Contact Management

Current customers must be able to be added to a CRM system. These clients can be retargeted for upselling and cross-selling as well as to stay in touch. Segmenting the consumer entails having a thorough understanding of the prior services that the customer has used. This is critical information for determining whether to cross-sell to a consumer or produce a product that the customer wants. </>

Even if a company decides to launch a new product, strategy, or scheme, past clients are the most important. Customers are usually a good source of new business since they are familiar with the industry and are generally happy with the services given.

Management of Leads

Users who are not yet customers should be able to be tracked by a CRM system. The line of business, or prospects, is what we call them. It is difficult to expand a business unless and until you have prospects. Even if a large number of consumers have already joined or are utilizing the service, prospects determine the direction in which the company is moving. A CRM system should be able to track leads and categorize them based on their preferences. Some prospects have a high conversion rate, while others have a low rate. However, because of critical data records on the CRM System, even prospects with a low likelihood may be fascinating possibilities for future and/or other products and services.

As a result, any prospect-related elements in a CRM should not be overlooked.

Contacts and leads are transferred

Customers will always be handled by a team with many members in any firm. There will be times when a single individual will not be able to meet all of a customer's demands. In this scenario, the customer must be sent to the appropriate team member. Human nature makes it difficult for businesses to deal with this situation. Any member will feel obligated

to earn and keep their client. However, it is sometimes preferable for business if the customer is assigned to the responsible staff so that the consumer receives the best possible service. At the end of the day, everyone works in the best interests of the company.

A CRM system should make it simple to share contacts and leads with other members of your company. So that no customer is left neglected, the relevant person should get a real-time notification from the CRM system. Integrating an email or SMS system with a CRM system is a good idea.

Easy creation and assignment of task

Yes, assigning a prospect or customer to another team member is simpler. Other members of the team are regularly called upon to do a specific duty for the customer. In this situation, a CRM system should be able to identify the member, and the member should be able to provide detailed notes about the exact measures to be performed in response to the customer's requests. A thorough email was issued on the member's behalf, as well as a quick summary.

Campaign Management

Most CRM systems place emphasis on client retention while overlooking the business aspect. For the time being, it may not have been a critical component of the CRM system, but knowing the specifics of the campaigns that drew clients in the first place is critical. It assesses the customer's expectations, as well as the channels through which consumers acquire services, and uses this knowledge to make decisions about attracting and maintaining customers.


should a CRM system provide extensive insights on the prospect to the customer life cycle, but it should also include precise phases or pipelines that a prospect must travel through before becoming a client. The CRM system should show a thorough visual representation of the total number of prospects, prospects at each stage, and a summary of how members performed in terms of continual customer follow-up.

Analytics for campaigns and sales

One area where a CRM system must excel in analytics. Each prospect, client, campaign, and task should be able to receive a full report from the CRM system. These reports should be available in a variety of forms, including PDF and Excel. Each report should include specific details on the stage, process, and performance. It's possible that the report won't be limited to prospects and consumers. In any CRM system, reports on team members should be simply readable and downloaded.

When sales representatives got mobile access to CRM tools, their productivity rose by 15%. Reps will resent being tied to a CRM system that can only be accessed via laptop, especially if they work in a capacity that necessitates travel. The majority of CRM systems today allow salespeople to log in using mobile devices like tablets and smartphones; be sure the ones you're considering do, too.

Marketing Automation Integration

Last but not least, it's critical that your marketing and sales platforms work together. After all, the core notion of "customer relationship management" is to give a comprehensive perspective of each prospect and client across their whole lifespan. A disconnect between marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM) might result in wasted opportunities.

Document storage

Team members can use the document storage option to keep all work-related papers in the CRM. These are available to everyone, at any time, from anywhere. Normally, the quantity of sales-related documents rises in lockstep with the number of clients. The enormous volume of data eventually leads to confusion, information loss, and poor customer service.

While several CRM companies provide document sorting capabilities, they all do so in their own unique way. Some merely have a general part where all types of files are kept, which is sufficient for a small firm. Others, such as Hub Spot CRM, go a step further by allowing users to attach files directly to each contact that are unique to that individual. This is especially important for large businesses with a lot of employees.

A CRM Software can also include additional functions such as a notification system, a mobile application, and a document management system. However, every CRM system, large or small, must include the functions listed above. It is critical for businesses to have a CRM that is tailored to their specific requirements. In general, businesses utilize CRM systems to improve their communication and engagement with their customers.

Many customers acquire services from businesses and then forget about them, but it is the obligation of businesses to make customers feel important. CRM System is an important component of this ecosystem.

Updated on: 12-Aug-2022


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