What are the modules of Triple DES Algorithm?

Triple DES Algorithm used by admin to encode the messages sent to the users or sent some warnings about the different user’s suspicious event. In this research, suspicious words dictionary can be used to find the suspicious words which are not generally used in the normal messaging or communication.

There are some modules of Triple DES which are as follows −

  • Admin Login − In this project, admin can get in the username and password to validate himself to access the account panel modules.

  • User Login − In this module, users can get in their username and password to authenticate themselves to access their account panel modules.

  • User Registration Module − In this module, users can get in their username and password and address, mobile, email id to register themselves to access the account panel modules.

  • Create Message Module for Admin − In this module, admin can choose the username and then enter the message along with the subject and also the input encryption key which can be used for encrypt the message and the subject and then send it to the selected user and message and subject are both saved into the user inbox.

  • Check Suspicious Mails for Admin − In this module, admin can verify the suspicious mails which is not generally stored into the user inbox rather than marked as suspicious status and sent it to the admin as suspicious mails with the user element.

  • Data Dictionary for Admin − In this module, admin can add the suspicious words into current data dictionary to detect more directly and efficiently the suspicious mails sent by the users.

  • View Data Dictionary for Admin − In this module, admin can see the suspicious words exists into the data dictionary and also has access to remove the suspicious words from the current data dictionary of suspicious words.

  • View Users List for Admin − In this module, admin can see the registered users and their full element and has access to remove the users if any of the registered users are discovered to do the suspicious event on the website.

  • Create Message Module for Users − In this module, users can choose the other users and then enter the message forward with the subject and then send it to the selected user and message and subject are both saved into that inbox of taking user and at back end of the website. Suspicious mail detection module is processed which is identified the sent mails marked as suspicious or normal.

  • Inbox Module for Users − In this module, users can see the inbox messages which are sent by the users those who are already registered if the user is any registered user then this message will be checked without any decryption module and also has access to remove that mail.

Updated on: 15-Mar-2022


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