What are the features of collections in Information Privacy?

Collection is the crucial knowledge that can help incident responders in learning the process of attack and tracing the attacker. Thus, the incident responders ought to apprehend where they will discover the proof and the method to collect it.

This section describe about collecting and protective proof, collecting physical evidence, managing powered on computers, and managing powered off computers, managing networked computers, managing open files and startup files, operating system termination process, and aggregation evidence from social networks.

The information privacy direct how this Department should handle personal information. It is require to be maximize our practices in line with the IPPs and beside our specific work context to determining whether existing practice requirements to change. This process can need the balancing of privacy with challenging interest and governmental needs.

It can gather only personal information that is important for the performance of an agency’s goals or activities. The personal information should be composed lawfully, moderately and not intrusively. If applicable, information should be composed from the person concerned. This principle includes the following which are as follows −

  • An agency should not gather personal information unless the information is important for one or more of its functions or activities.

  • An agency should gather personal information only by legalized and fair means and not in an irrationally intrusive manner.

  • At or before the time (or, if that is not applicable, as soon as workable after) an agency gathers personal information concerning an individual from the individual, the agency should take sensible steps to make specific that the individual is conscious of all of the following −

    • It can be used to the identity of the organisation and how to contact it.
    • It can be used to the fact that the individual is able to have access to the information.
    • It can be used to the purpose for which the information is collected.
    • It can be used to the persons or bodies, or classes of persons or bodies, to which the agency usually discloses information of the same kind.
    • It can be used to any law that requires the particular information to be collected.
    • It can be used to the main consequences (if any) for the individual if all, or part, of the information is not provided.
  • If it is sensible and practicable to do so, an agency must gather personal information regarding an individual only from the individual.

  • If an agency gathers personal information about an person from another person, it should take rational steps to make specific that the individual is or has been made attentive of the matters listed above that the person should be made acknowledge of, except for to the extent that creating the individual aware of the matters would front a serious threat to the life or health of the person or another person.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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